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Solidarity with Ukrainian anarchist and anti-fascist resistance

We visited Yango premises in the Lauttasaari neighbourhood of Helsinki, on the night between the 9th and 10th of March. Yango is a Taxi application of Yandex, an IT company connected to the Russian state. Yango has hastily hidden its company symbols from the premises, but there has been no announcment of withdrawal from Finland. We do not care if business with connections to the Russian state are against the Russian invasion or not. Capital of these companies is maintaining the Russian war machine every day. We encourage attacks against every business interest of the Russian regime in Finland - oil, gas, nuclear, entertainment and other, until any economic interest of the Russian regime has left in Finland, or the Russian army has withdrawn its troops from Ukraine.

Committee of Solidarity for Resistance Committee of Ukraine























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Антти Раутиайнен

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Антти Раутиайнен

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