АЧК-Москва поддерживает заключённых антиавторитариев, которые были репрессированы за свою политическую деятельность или за действия, которые не противоречат анархистским идеалам. Заключённым часто нужна финансовая поддержка. Поэтому мы создали для этого фонд.
Money from our fund is allocated to
- legal support
- material support, for example medical aid and food parcels for prisoners
We attempt to react quickly to repressive measures against anti-authoritarians in other countries, and we are maintaining relations with sections of Anarchist Black Cross all around the world.
You may read about our activities more in detail from
You may help ABC by donating to our fund. If you have particular wishes on allocation of money, let us know.
Also always write how did you transfer funds for us and how much.
You may donate to us to the following internet purse:
(system only works in Russian language, instructions in http://money. yandex. ru/prepaid. xml)
You may make us a bank transfer from Russia with roubles to the following account in Alfa-bank:
In case you are abroad, you should use one of the following bank correspondents.
Correspondents transfer to our Russian account for free, so transfer will only cost the fee of you transferring money to the correspondent
If you need additional requisites, write to abc-msk AT riseup DOT net.
1) Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank RAIFFEISEN ZENRALBANK OESTERREICH (RZB-AUSTRIA),Vienna Am Stadtpark 9, P.O. Box 50, A-1011 Vienna, Austria S.W.I.F.T. RZBAATWW Acc. with corresp/ Bank N 1 -50.092.584/100. EUR Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Acc. N40817978004230006660
2) Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank COMMERZBANK, Frankfurt/Main 32-36 Neue Mainzer Strasse, Frankfurt am Main, 60261 S.W.I.F.T. COBA DE FF Acc. with corresp/ Bank Acc. N 400 88 689 45/01 EUR Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Acc. N 40817978004230006660 3) Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank B.C.E.N. - EUROBANK, Paris, 79-81, Boulevard Haussmann, 75382 Paris Cedex 08, France S.W.I.F.T. EURO FR PP Acc. with corresp/ Bank Acc. N 01811033 EUR Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Acc. N40817978004230006660 4) Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank B ANCA NAZIONALE DEL LAVORO, Rome 119 Via Vittorio Veneto, 00187 Rome, Italy S.W.I.F.T. BNLI IT RR Acc. with corresp/ Bank N 265147 EUR Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Ace. N40817978004230006660 5) Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank AMSTERDAM TRADE BANK N.Y. Herengracht 475 1017 BS Amsterdam, Netherlands S.W.I.F.T. STOLNL2A Acc. with corresp/ Bank N 9001.890118. 902EUR Beneficiary’s bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Acc. N40817978004230006660 US dollars: Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank 1) JPMorgan Chase Bank, New York 4, New York Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004, USA S.W.I.F.T. CHAS US 33 Асс. With corresp/ Bank № 400927098 Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Acс. № 40817840204230006802 2) Correspondent bank of beneficiary's bank Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, New York 130 Liberty Street, New York City, NY 10006, USA S.W.I.F.T. BKTR US 33 Асс. With corresp/ Bank № 04415617 Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Acс. №40817840204230006802
Bank of New York, New York One Wall Street, New York, NY 10286, USA S.W.I.F.T. IRVTUS3N Aсс. With corresp/ Bank № 890-0570-822 Beneficiary's bank Alfa-Bank Moscow S.W.I.F.T. ALFARUMM Beneficiary's Acс. №40817840204230006802 |