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For that to die in peacetime? In Moscow Picket against appeal

Today, from 16:00 to 17:30 at the main military prosecutor's office anarchists and anti-militarist picket was organized against the draft. The picket was a reaction to the death of Omsk draftee Roman Suslov, who on May 22 was found hanged in a toilet train Moscow-Vladivostok.

Anarchists and anti-militarists set the main purpose of the picket coverage of the loss draftee, as state structures are always trying to hide these facts. Soldiers' Mothers Committee, and the fund "Mother's Right" presented statistics on non-combat losses in the army: an average annual kill of 2.5 to 3 thousand soldiers, while the Ministry of Defence led a much more modest figures.

The activists carried a banner "Do not be a pawn, stay free!", "Sit down and shut up and they'll come after you!", "Army: Service to the people or serve the state?", "Everyone has the right to life.Do the recruits that right? ".

Action asked the official media, were given interviews to radio stations & laquo; City FM »,« Echo of Moscow ", and Ren-TV television.

Protesters chanted: "Take your life in your hands!", "Who if not us? When if not now? "," No war but class! "," The Army - slavery, "" Do not be a slave to the system! "," Zouch, as two and two: just give the right to fight! "," The Army and the people ! Do not serve a monster! "," Soldiers, go home! Weapons - the people! "," Our weapons - solidarity, "" Soldiers are not born, soldiers are dying! "," For that to die in peace? "," People are more important than money! "," Your death - their profits! " "No - murder," "Assassins - to account!".

The action of the anarchists and anti-militarist supported by passers-by: middle-aged man asked, along with activists hold a banner, another man said: "This is about the deceased draftee Roman Suslov? Who allegedly hanged himself and handed over to the authorities? I am aware of.Thank you ... "One man, walking past the protesters began chanting" While we are united, we are invincible! ", That chants pleased to support the activists.

At the rally attended by 50 people, although the prefecture had been agreed only 10.About 40 people were on the opposite side of the building of military prosecutors, who also supported the protesters.

Nowadays, when people are afraid to say that they think it is particularly important to go out and express their position. We can not remain indifferent when people are killed, when someone is prosecuted by the authorities because of his position, when a police arbitrariness becomes the norm.No one can intercede for us. Only we can defend our rights!

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