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The Moscow authorities disrupted a concert on Pushkin Square

Yesterday, August 22, in Pushkin Square in Moscow rally-concert in support of Khimki forest, which brought together more than two thousand people. By the authorized rally in defense of Khimki forest metropolitan police department prepared a serious, than to any unauthorized action. Soldiers and riot police officers the 2 nd regiment of operational police department of the capital and blocked access to Pushkin Square from the metro.

In addition, they have grouped a significant force on Tverskaya street, to exclude even the theoretical possibility of a spontaneous demonstration.
Moscow police department actually disrupted a concert "We all live in the woods Khimki.The police banned the use of sound system and even not allowed in the area of people with musical instruments. The car that was traveling on Pushkin Square with the equipment was blocked by the police along with the musicians of "Ricochet".
Of the known public music concert appeared only Yuri Shevchuk, who came with an acoustic guitar. He sang several of his songs - including "Homeland" and "Autumn".Conducted rally music critic Artemy Troitsky. The rally was also made party of autonomous operation. Event has ended choral performance of the song "Born in the Woods herringbone.

Source: based on online media; Sobkor.

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