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Elections without choice!

All ads have certainly got the regional elections on 10 October this year. Agit-flyers glue everywhere: on lampposts, on the gate on residential buildings, public toilets ...! In general got. The main theme of campaign - a choice of "our candidate". "Honest opinion", "selfless", "guardian for the nation" - and this is only a small fraction of candidates boasting. Well, the people, as always, it seems stupid electorate. To dispel this myth, on Friday, October 8, was carried out anti-election campaign, during which the mailboxes of our city were spaced 300 leaflets.

Was not without curiosity.During the campaign one of the activists was an agitator for one of the candidates, and categorically refused to take a leaflet with the words: "Let the fuck I need it! I'm still not going to vote for. "
What will be the result of our actions will show Sunday, Oct. 10, and we, the anarchists of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, we will prepare for the following actions.

The text of the leaflets

If an election were to change something, would have their long-ban!

Sunday, October 10, 2010.Elections in the City Duma. Elections, which again will be one and the same scenario (during the election campaign of course lies, hypocrisy ...): agitation (even on Saturday), voting, counting of votes, the announcement of the results ... the results, which is already known. Win power.

Power ruthless, uncompromising, with a complete lack of morality and principle, it spoils even the most intelligent, most dedicated people, it's not perfect. She wins because she has money, and your vote - it's just a screen behind which to hide the problems that do not want to solve.And so, the voters came, 50% is, do not worry (until the next election).

But you, dear, "voters will receive a new neck (or maybe old) cohort of freeloaders who will forget their promises immediately after the announcement of the results! At the same time, humpback on power-haves and the bourgeoisie, will dream about the next election, in which, as you seem, you just choose the "correct" candidate. You also have a choice! That's just not able to vote "against all", and maybe even without anything (as yet cunning invention of the President and Cabinet of the Government).

Change the situation by using a modern system of elections was absolutely impossible.Manipulated the results of the voting power, abolition of the minimum turnout threshold, abolished the "against all" ...

So, no you do not have the right, for you all decided a long time ... Can be a lot of intelligence to understand such a simple and affordable truth? Some people, once every four years coming up with a cheap Declaration, consisting of the catch phrases that come to nothing requires them to songwriters, and this spike we poshlyatinoy offer dubious right ... to elect a new owner!

Who are these people? What is the benefit of their election to you personally (or any other worker)? In response to these questions lawyers shrug their shoulders.Shall not state can not offer us anything else, just four years, poke a piece of paper into a box and return to his wretched home in anticipation of better? Not able to and not a desire. Zero, the electorate, the cash cow and a cog in their infernal machine of success.

Of course, you may ask: "My voice is something to decide, it is necessary to perform their civic duty, the future is in our hands ..." The technology of this election is not fair and cynical.The more "votes" of a certain mass, the address of a particular candidate, the better for modern systems. Personally, your choice will not affect the vote. In fact, for all working people to decide the so-called "elite" ... to decide how to live and die in the vast majority of (workers). After all what is said on TV, only a smallaplya into the sea.

How often do you hear a fair criticism of our "democratic state"? Legislated rights are privileged minority, and they are profitable! Here you are, for example: the monetization of benefits, the segregation of the educational process, the introduction of CT, privatization, commercialization of education and medicine, the removal of delays recruits, the constant rise in prices, Leapfrog holidays, the law on extremism, when any bad word against the MP can cost you freedom and the laws of the meetings ...? Aolitseysky lawlessness, and the situation with the Nazis in the country? A deforestation? And the destruction of historical monuments? Is not that enough to understand that the laws issue are people who absolutely do not care about the people? The political situation in Russia is becoming more and more totalitarian!

Are we so wanted it, did so to work towards such a life for themselves and their country? All politics, future and present, is not decided by us, the creators of social wealth, and ushlymi political technologists and brazen mafia, in the shadow of official information, which is to naively believe many of us.

Comrades, against us, the common people, the authorities announced a crusade.If we continue to go at them on occasion, then finally turned into a dull slaughtering cattle, which is not a pity to sacrifice. You have rights! One of them - do not go to the elections and disrupt their holiday. Let the "gentlemen" candidates are involved in this election circus!

Zouch two and two together - just give the right to fight!
No power to ANYONE!


Anarchists of the Rostov region
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