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News from "American"

In a few days 2 months since then, as in Moscow, "unknown" was kidnapped by Igor Olinevich . A few days later his parents discovered in the KGB jail, where he was taken in violation of all norms of international law on deportation and extradition. Igor accused of involvement in the attack on the Russian embassy on the night of August 30, 2010 . The young man does not acknowledge his guilt. Counsel failed to see him only a few times since the arrest, not allowed to visit more than a month.
Nevertheless, Igor did not lose courage, and popular describes his adventures in the "American".
Here are excerpts from some of his letters:

Yesterday I received the blanket and boots and was very happy because finally fell asleep in the warmth.Dubakov there is still that, in triple toes still cold. So full of happiness is not enough just knit socks. Any other things I do not! Everything is, extra rags only vitiate. I wash myself here provide, for the months in exile used somehow. Walk until the walk, shoes were not.But now I will go. With fizuhoy everything is OK. Of course, circumstances lead a couple of muscle pump, but it's good. Well have to somehow keep track of public life. And then suddenly the regime will collapse, and I know I will not disorder, it is necessary to keep abreast, you never know ...
Now I can finally pay attention to self-development in those areas for which there was no time. In this connection, please send me an encyclopedia of psychology. Has long wanted to learn to draw, so if there is any tutorial on drawing, it will be cool.

I go for a walk every day now, and mostly read and the ruble in the Dominoes.Messages in foreign languages do not reach. I thought about my arrest you learned from an investigator on Monday. I did not think you are so keep your hand on the Internet. But will that tell Hollywood thriller, no less.
Anyway, this situation had clarified the situation would soon be resolved. Subscribed to several newspapers and magazines. Today is brought out of the store that I ordered, but then came the ambush. Encyclopedia was not the same. With the tutorial, the same nonsense.Count up, I bought a guide to watercolor! Yeah, still lacked the easel. Although Akunin "State Councilor" managed vyschemit, and thanks for that. In short, with purchases on the reservation have problems. Load and sponging water do every morning. Overall, I'm in a good mood. With a sense of accomplishment is ready for any new twists. Even compose poems. For example:

In winter, the snow laid a
Snegirek chirps loudly
How well do we in the KGB jail.
Though behind bars

Yet it would be interesting to know that there are people on the Internet writing? I dare say I hayut last words?
We believe we can, we will win!

Transfers received.In general, it has covered all my needs. Fish with a loaf of bread and salsa has gone particularly well. Compote of dried fruit cook regularly, every day, eat onions and garlic. Life goes on monotonously, but, strangely enough, does not have to be bored.
Now plan to buy "Biology" and "Draw", I hope that will turn out better than last time. In psychology, first I want to still learn the encyclopedia to know on which areas to develop further.
I have many letters, even from people I do not know.

I do everything as usual, especially without any changes.I hope that my New Year message arrived. On New Year's Eve I received many letters of congratulations that lift your mood to high bar.
Books so far failed to buy. New Year welcomed heartily, never forget, still a unique opportunity. This, hopefully, more to life will not be presented.
The news that no letters from me as much with a 22-second surprise, but in general is not surprising. I was lucky that the letters would come though.You understand that the winter holidays in the mail a big influx of other reasons can not be. As for us in the country, all in bloom and smells, and the newspapers confirm my opinion, for example, articles in Respublike "or" Sovetskaya Belorussia ".
Unfortunately, the books I have not got, but I would hope that sooner or later they will come. No additional shmotok I do not need in the current environment of short supply. New Year's memorably noted in my last letter I wrote, but I repeat.
There was a table, I - in Santa Claus hat, eating pineapple, chocolate cake, rafaelki, Coca-Cola and kvass plus any sweet tooth.As expected, were uttered speech, and then sang all sorts of people and the old Soviet songs. In short, emotionally and unique. *
In general, do not worry about me. Letters come, there is something to eat, and do not have to be bored. Hi-distributed to all who do not get my letters I wrote to all.

  • After these letters in the KGB jail prohibited to transfer not only chocolate, cakes and rafaelki, but even the nuts, cheese and dried fruits. Probably to life honey may seem.

Letters of support Igor can be sent to:
220050Minsk, Main Post Office, PO Box 8
Olinevichu Igor Vladimirovich

(Source: )

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