Talvivaara’s nickel-uranium mine has caused the most serious environmental damage in the finnish history in decades. The mine has been continuously polluting the amazing waterscapes of eastern Finland. More and more people and organizations are demanding closing of the mine and the locals can’t use water from several lakes anymore, but it doesn’t seem to have any impact in a country where the finance elite knows that the government is in their service.
The eco-disaster in the Talvivaara mine is not a rare exception: rather, it is business as usual wherever large mining corporations are operating. For the surrounding areas, polluted groundwater has been the price to pay for every single uranium mine in the world so far. Despite this, a number of projects for opening huge mines are underway in Finland and Sweden. Disregarding the cost to the ecosystem or the opposition of locals, the international elite has decided to sacrifice the Nordic flora, fauna and waters to fuel the growth-compulsive economy.
Determined resistance is needed to keep the environment viable. Join us to share knowledge and skills, and to act! The camp is located ca. 30 km from the Talvivaara mine.
The first week of the camp, we will share info about the mining situation in the north and explore tactics for open direct action. These skills will be put to use during the second week. More info & updates coming at turvaverkosto.wordpress.com
Feel free to offer your own program! The camp will work in a self-organized manner, so participants are expected to do their share of running the camp. To cover costs we ask for a donation of 5-10 € per day, taking into account people’s personal economic situations. Rides from more accessible locations will be arranged as often as possible. When signing up for the camp, please contact us if you would want a ride or have any other special needs, allergies etc. Let us know you’re coming by mailing turva@riseup.net before 10th of June, if possible!
TURVA – Action network against uranium industryhttp://turvaverkosto.wordpress.com
Hyökyaalto network (Rising Tide Finland) http://hyokyaalto.org
Friends of the Landless Finland http://maattomienliike.wordpress.com/
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