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The action against the fare increase in Sevastopol

Crimean Autonomous Action Group continues launched the campaign "For free public transport. June 19, Saturday at 15:00 at the Square. The rebels held by the clock on the next rally, protest. Calculation of the same theme: opposition to the rising cost of travel on public transport in the city of Sevastopol and the appointment as Chief of SOE Sevelektroavtotrans "them. AS Krupoderova Basil Tsybulkina, which took place yesterday.

We urge everyone to join the campaigntion for free public transport!

We demand that the city authorities:
- Do not accept the shameful decision to raise tariffs,
- To equip vehicles to meet the needs of people with disabilities,
- Adopt a plan for infrastructure development of alternative vehicles, in particular a bicycle.
- Elected leadership of the working group and the transfer of the business in the hands of workers.

Until this is done, we call on citizens not to pay the fare.
This is called a strike passengers.
Do not be afraid that you can be fined.In this case, use the fact that you provided. According to Part 2 p.6.4 terms of use trams and trolleybuses in the cities of Ukraine "In the case of failure of the passenger to pay a fine, it can be planted at the next stop."

Public transport - not profit, but a means of transportation!

Source: BP-Crimea

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