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An attempt on life of anarchist anti-fascist in Moscow

антифашист и анархист В.Скопинцев

A 25-year old Vladimir Skopincev is registered in Troick, one of the numerous towns of Moscow region. He is an anarchist and known as the member of groups “PolitZek” and “Change the world without taking power”. Both groups have several thousands of fans. His photos and registration address were frequently posted on fascist web-pages, along with demands of execution.

Vladimir’s father and younger brother - 21-year old Andrew- were present at home in the evening hours of September the 2nd, when an attempt on Vladimir's live took place. What follows is Andrew Skopintsev’s take on the events:

Somewhere around 11 pm Andrew went out on the balcony to talk over the cell phone. And next moment a bullet hit the wall 30 centimeters away from his head. He heard the noise of a car taking off from the scene. Militia was immediately notified of an attempted murder. According to Andrew, the preliminary analysis showed that he was fired at from a hand-made firearm.

Cops examined the crime scene, and insisted that Andrew and his father to accompany them to the town’s police department (UVD). After the formal interrogation, father was asked to wait in the corridor, and young man was taken in one of the offices for interrogation.

Cops decided not to go lightly on the guy, who had just miraculously escaped death. He was interrogated by two unidentified agents, who were most probably the employees of “centre E” (“antiextremist” police division in Russia).

“They interrogated me Gestapo-style. I was shouted at, abused. They demanded that I “tell everything” about my brother and myself. Took my ID and cell phone by force, copied all the numbers from the phone-book. I was beaten up, but they did it carefully - so that no evidence of it remained.” - This are the words of Andrew, who was lucky to escape from the police department.

Andrew and his father spent whole night in the department and escaped - for lack of better word - in the morning. Formally they were not detained, but Andrew’s ID were confiscated until “the arrival of our boss” in cops’ wording.

As of this moment, Andrew Skopintsev is consulting with local human rights organizations.

"Novaya Gazeta",

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