Moscow hosted the "Autonom-party 3
Submitted by Редакция on 11 March, 2011 - 15:03
That took a third "Autonom-party". In one of the last evenings of winter to the presentation of the 32 nd of "autonomy" has gathered 150 people. In one of the few remaining areas in Moscow, working in a basement club that does not catch mobile communications, spoke Violent Coldness (anarcho-bits-down), "Ricochet" (ostrosotsialny post-hardcore), Paul Delidon (glubokofilosofsky acoustic rap chanson) "PolitZek (anarcho-chanson), CT2WTP (metalizirovany punk-funk), No heads (ostrosotsialny streetpunk), Opposite Against (Vladimir anarcho-Oi!) and xBxOxGx (digital-noise-grind).
Do not be afraid of musical style speakers groups.Art in the anti-authoritarian environment is not preserved within the limits imposed by the Ministry of Culture and the media, and developing in all directions, boldly experimenting with styles and genres.
Every visitor could buy yourself the latest issue of the journal Autonom, the largest anarchist publication of the ex-USSR and many other products from the libertarian distro. Wall of the club was decorated with a banner With or instead of the revolutionary shopping could spend the money in the club bar.
In connection with the repression with which the anarchists in Moscow faced in the past six months or a year, disseminating information about the concert took place in a not very broad medium - hence not so many came.But the event passed without any incidents.
Comrade. Antonov Radonezh, Comrade. Darkwing Duck