On June 14 2022, Igor Paskar painted his face in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and threw a Molotov cocktail at the door of the central entrance of the FSB headquarters of Krasnodar region, Russia. With this gesture, he protested against the invasion of Ukraine. Igor did not try to leave afterwards. In his own words, it was a conscious political action.
On the same day Igor Paskar was charged with committing an "act of terrorism" (part 1 of Article 205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), which provides for a penalty of 10 to 15 years in prison. Igor himself does not consider his action an act of terrorism.
Igor has been held in Krasnodar pre-detention center №5, controlled by the FSB, since his arrest, so his lawyer could not meet with him for a long time.
In August, lawyer Felix Vertegel managed to visit Igor. The human rights workers of the "Zone of Solidarity" project made an agreement with the lawyer about legal assistance to Paskar. Part of the amount required to pay for a lawyer at the stage of the preliminary investigation was allocated by a friendly organization, but still need 140 thousand rubles (~2230 euros), as well as funds to pay for parcels.
Please help pay for a lawyer for Igor Paskar! A lawyer is a protection from the harassment of the security forces and a link with the outside world. At the moment, none of the letters sent have been delivered to Igor.
Collection requisites:
4276 5500 2065 1710 (Sberbank, Zlatislava)
PayPal provided by Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow l: abc-msk@riseup.net (specify "for Paskar" in the description of the transfer)
✉️ Address for letters to Igor
Paskar Igor Konstantinovich, born 1976.
22 Krasnoarmeyskaya St., SIZO-5,
350063 Krasnodar Russia
Letters should be in Russian. You may use google translate for example. Note that a number of countries have halted all postal services to Russia, check that services are available in your country. You may send letters to prisoners via Moscow Anarchist Black Cross e-mail address.
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