Twenty thousand robots attack

Everyone knows about the project WikiLeaks, which is laid out secret military and diplomatic information. Governments of most wounded published materials, is trying to sue the creator under a false pretext of sexual harassment towards women. And organizes a massive computer attack on the server project, which is called the DDOS.

Its essence is that the number of computers controlled by the network to terrorists, send requests to WikiLeaks. The site does not withstand the pressure and stops responding. In the vastness of the domestic Internet such tactics have also started to adopt.On November 7, an attack is a portal on Labour Relations "Antidzhob" - The attack began without warning, then attackers have written a letter to a fictitious e-mail address.

Here is a quote from the letter:

"No, I hired employee. And I personally wrote. As you see, I'm fairly adequate human, saliva does not scatter. There is no conspiracy theory: sometimes, the directors also have brains, education and some skills. Not only and not so much money .But in general, does not matter. I understand that offering any help, I risk being misunderstood in the offer of a bribe. But nevertheless, I say again that I share your approach to freedom of expression and access to information. If it is true. On the other hand, I like any person, to defend their selfish interest. I need to have disappeared from the site mention and .

The proposal also begins with the removal of all possible claims and the cessation of all attacks.Speaking specifically about the assistance necessary to speak not so much about the mundane money (although this is possible) as an organizational aid. Of resources to accommodate, to the human development assistance. Unfortunately, I can not know what you might be looking for, you may be able to add my own suggestion. "

Of these links are the materials of the Companies Prime Lab (Prime Lab) and Prime Services (Prime Services). "Antidzhob" well indexed by search engines, and it is clear dissatisfaction with employers, when at the request of Prime labs "in the Yandex website in the first places where it is written, how is this company deceives its employees.

Before the attacks, these companies were in no way stand out from the general background - gray salary, severance cheating, rudeness, such, alas, a thousand.Team <Antidzhoba>> moved from one host to another, but the attack still continued, in passing, "dropping" sites that the artist Artyom Loskutov and then the Siberian and Indymedia, a site about computer security http://shell.tor. hu /.

During the attack emerged a great many interesting facts about this company and its leadership - Boris Bezrukov and Solovovo Kirill B. (the latter, by the way the actual owner of the companies hysterically pressured management of LiveJournal that it has removed any mention of his name next to the companies - in fact, company formally owned by an entirely different people).

For example:

"The first month sn pay.then detained. if you start vozmuschatsya a promise to pay with a nachenayut and find a replacement. Then instead of the RFP is fired and then we calculated but for several months.So it turns out. people work an average of the months are 3-4-5, and see the RFP for 1-2 and then all of a very long time "or" I can say that after leaving the company Prime Lab I was promised that that debt c / n will be repaid before the end of the week. In general, coming to an end the third week of my expectations of honest fulfillment of the obligations of Prime Lab. "

"By the way do not know a single person is allowed to go on vacation. Resignations leave well on their own. As for DDOS attacks on you.Prime labs certainly has a direct relation to this. Just because other resources in the prime of service do not. "

"Some of Boris Bezrukov by virtue of its recent maturation, this individual is in need of attention of the opposite sex. In connection with these girls in this company is better not to work. Sooner or later they will be asked Northwind" pass the evening, as practice shows, girl after the refusal, in the company do not stay long it just fired. (if you want you can go to the specific individual)."

December 7, the attack was resumed with a 10 fold increase in - now "Antidzhob" attack the 20,000 robots (this is a very decent - Hide quoted text - money, among other things)!

It is obvious that someone does not like to read true shaped as letters on the internet about yourself!

The enemy will not pass!

Distribute this material as widely as possible - to answer public enemy of the free internet and honest work!

The team

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