Алексей Полихович

The Speech of Russian Anarchist Alexei Polikhovich in Moscow

Алексей Полихович

In Moscow, at the end of August 10, plainclothes police officers arrested the anarchist Alexei Polikhovich on his way home from Russia’s largest opposition demonstration since 2011. A local Moscow court formally charged Alexei with “petty hooliganism” and sentenced him to 13 days in jail. The arrest stemmed from a combative and passionate speech Alexei gave to thousands in Moscow that day.

ABC-Moscow: Repressions summary for March-April 2014

We continue to publish news about repressions against anarchists, antifascists and social activists and about the obstacles we face from the side of police state. In February, March and April issue you can read about Maidan ghost, letters from the prisons and senseless trials. If you recognize that we've missed anything or you are informed about other cases of repressions, let us know by writing to address abc-msk <> riseup.net.

For costs of all the listed cases, besides indicated internet purses, you may donate money via ABC-Moscow. Check 

"Prison united all of us"

Interview with anarchist prisoners in the so-called "Bolotnaya Case", former sailor Alexei Polikhovich, 22 (pictured), and historian Stepan Zimin, 21. They are amongst the many people charged with participation in the May 6, 2012 clashes with police during an opposition rally in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square. Both face a sentence of five-and-a-half year in penal colony, having spent over a year in pre-trial detention.

Russia: Navy veterans call for anarchist protester to be released pending court

Ahead of the March 5 court appearance by anarchist Alexei Polikhovich, common meeting of Central Councils of Navy Social Movements and Unions have issued a call for his release. Polikhovich, 22, who is a retired Northern Fleet conscript sailor, was detained in July 2012 on suspicion of participation in the May 6, 2012, clashes with police during a rally in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square. According to his supporters, Polikhovich dragged to safety one of the fellow protesters who was being beaten by several police officers, whom he pushed off.

Alexey Polikhovich - third anarchist, remanded for 6th of May riots in Moscow

27th of July, Basmanniy district court of Moscow remanded Alexey Polikhovich for one month. He is 16th suspect for participating to rioting in Bolotnaya square 6th of May 2012, in day of inauguration of Vladimir Putin. He was third arrested anarchist - Aleksandra Dukhanina has been in a house arrest since 29th of May, Stepan Zimin has been in remand prison since 9th of July. Alexey Polikhovich was arrested in the evening of 25th of July, his house was searched and his computer was confiscated.

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