Новости Анархического Чёрного Креста

1 year ago
Hello! It’s Sunday,  July 24 and we continue our podcast “Trends of order and chaos”. This is episode 64. Here are the top stories on past week’s agenda.  
1 year ago
Hello! It's Sunday, July 10, and we carry on with our podcast, Trends of Order and Chaos. This is episode 62. Here are the top stories on last week's agenda.
Антон Жучков
1 year ago
6th of March, during anti-war meeting, Anton Zhuchkov and his friend Vladimir Sergeev were arrested in the center of Moscow, in Pushkin square.
1 year ago
Vladimir Sergeev and Anton Zhuchkov were arrested in an anti-war action on the 6th of March 2022. Before his arrest Vladimir worked in a factory. Vladimir did not go to demonstrations before the war...

Author columns

Short presentation of the Tyumen case, from a benefit event Helsinki 6th of October 2023
Антти Раутиайнен

Short presentation of the Tyumen case, from a benefit event in Helsinki 6th of October 2023. In Spotify Support the fundraising drive of Firefund for the for the lawyers of the defendants in the "Tyumen case". Families and relatives will have to pay for the participation of lawyers in these...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist anti-war action and the growing nationalism in Russia Interview with Portuguese Mapa - Jornal de Informação Critica -paper, published in issue 35. Interview by Pedro Morais. Listen this blog in SoundCloud Listen this blog in Spotify After the start of war in Ukraine we have seen...

1 year ago