Bolivia: The general strike has forced the government to cancel the price increase

December 28 employees of the transport sector of Bolivia announced an indefinite strike due to rising fuel prices. As a result, the country started to serious disruptions of public transport, the authorities have to draw military trucks for delivery to residents of the settlements located near large cities, their jobs.

After the Bolivian government announced the end of subsidies in the fuel sector, diesel prices have risen by 73%, and gasoline - up 83%. Authorities said most of the production of oil in the country produced by foreign companies, therefore, public funds are not going to stimulate the national economy and to support the economies of other countries.The country's leadership has stated that compensates for the negative impact of rising prices for gasoline increased by freezing wages and prices for housing and communal services.

During the mass protests against skyrocketing prices for gasoline and diesel fuel, were held in several cities in Bolivia, 15 police officers injured, 21 rioters arrested by police.

The reason for the violence (as the authorities of all countries and their obedient media called the people's protests - approx.) Served as promulgated in the Sunday, December 26, the decree Bolivian President Evo Morales to raise fuel prices by 57% - 82%.As previously reported, until this moment the price of fuel in the Latin American state were fixed for seven years. Initiator Chetvergova shares made the Bolivian Association drivers (Confederacion de Choferes), uniting workers of public transportation.

Most aggressively behaved protesters in El Alto: thousands of people built barricades in the streets, setting fire to the building of state institutions and pelted them with stones.Inflamed the protesters also threw stones at police, who had to (God knows how they did not want to, yeah! - Approx.) Apply to disperse the crowd fired tear gas.

Bolivian Government's decision to raise fuel prices to a level that has been established in neighboring countries has not found support not only among the majority population.As Spanish newspaper Periodico de Catalunya, many experts also believe this measure is inappropriate, because the minimum wage in Bolivia is lower than in other Latin American countries. According to these data in the publication, the minimum wage Bolivian worker is 72 euros in the local currency, while in Chile the minimum wage is 238 euros, while in Argentina - 297 euros.

The first to protest against rising fuel prices in Bolivia have expressed unions, one of which - the Association of the drivers - immediately began to strike.After the first day of protests on Monday, members of the association have decided to resume work with the condition of increasing prices on public transport by 100%.

However, on Tuesday expressed his dissatisfaction authorities, officially allowed to raise prices for transport only to 30%. Bolivian government's decision to members of the Association did not suit, and they announced their intention to hold protest rallies on Thursday in conjunction with other unions.

Shortly before the riots Bolivian leader Evo Morales announced the upcoming in 2011, increasing salaries by 20%, hoping to use this measure to pay off a wave of protests.As the president said, the increase in wages will affect workers' education, health care, military and police forces, the report said. At the same rate (20%) should increase the level of the minimum wage.

January 1: Residents of Bolivia's Morales was forced to keep fuel prices!

Bolivian President Evo Morales canceled a planned rise in fuel prices, which triggered a wave of protests across the country.According to Reuters, in a televised address to the nation's head of state said that "the right for the people" and "listened to his companions."

"This means that all measures lifted, so there is no reason for prices or for tickets, no food, nor even for any speculation. Everything returns to how it was before "- said Evo Morales.

Fuel prices were to rise as a result of cuts in government subsidies for its purchase.So Morales' government has tried to reduce imports of petroleum products and encourage investment in national oil refining industry. Just last week the head of state present these arguments as a defense of his decision, but its citizens are not heard and identified on 3 January of the next strike.

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