Greece: the sentence the murderers in uniform shot and killed an anarchist Alexandros Grigoropolos

October 11, 2010. court found two police officers , Epaminondas Korkoneas and Vassilis Saraliotis, guilty of murdering 15-year old anarchist Alex Grigoropolos committed 6 December 2008. At Epaminondosa Korkoneasa court put even more serious charges, the prosecutor: involuntary manslaughter with the possibility of malicious intent has become a killing evil intent. The Court has not recognized for Korkoneasa no mitigating factor. A second policeman, Vassilis Saraliotis, was found guilty as an accomplice of murder.

As a result Korkoneas received a life sentence for murder and 15 months for illegal possession of arms. His accomplice Saraliotis received 10 years in prison.

Recall, in the evening on Dec. 6, 2008 Alexandros Grigoropolos was killed cops in central Athens. The murder was the police response to a small group of anarchists clash with a patrol car crew.He was not with him any Molotov cocktails, stones or of any other weapon.

The boy was killed in front of witnesses, in the event full of bars that are filled with people, especially on Saturday night. One officer got out, took aim at the heart and coldly killed 16-year-old boy.

Two police officers left a dead guy lying on the ground. Name of police killers Epaminodas Korkoneas (Epaminodas Korkoneas), aged 37, and Vassilis Saraliotis (Vasilis Saraliotis), 1931.

After the murder in Greece were the biggest and most radical speech of students and workers in the past 10 years.People rose in response to state repression! Across the country were attacked police stations and the commandant's office, banks and offices of corporations. Demonstrations and solidarity actions took place in Greece, as well as many European countries, including here in Russia.

From 20 to 27 December 2008 .- in a campaign of solidarity with the rebellious youth of Greece, were hundreds of different actions, pickets and demonstrations, seizure of the Greek Embassy in different countries. Protests were held in all continents of our planet, except Antarctica, of course, tens of thousands of anti-capitalism and the state to show solidarity with the rebels anarchists, students and workers in Greece.Young People in Greece showed the world how to respond to police terror, what to do when the police permitted to cross ... Now we learn that lesson.

Related links:

Izhevsk: the action of solidarity with Greece

Greece on fire: police cold-bloodedly killed 15-year-old anarchist


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