The preliminary summary of the week, shares of common action in defense of Khimki hostages 9.2 April 2011

Hero Strugatskikh not want to at least someone passed universal  happiness. But we at least understand the general misfortune. And there we are, how can support the comrades, not only throughout Russia but even in some countries quite distant from us. The second through April 9 in the world is united Week action in support of Khimki hostages, a list which has recently Denis joins Solopov, who was arrested by the Ukrainian authorities, contrary to international law. Now ukranskie power to decide whether it extradition to Russia. Opened the week Moscow, which is not very good, becauseregions were not very active in this matter. April 4, the Moscow anti-fascists picketed the Ukrainian Embassy. The initiators of action in defense
Russian anti-fascist Dennis Solopova, third <Khimki hostage>> Now of the Kiev prison, were members anti-racism initiatives <Direct Support>>. The picket was supported by Campaign in defense of Khimki hostages.

Grabbed the baton from the capital Nizhny Novgorod.City, where repression of <Justice>> have become somewhat commonplace could not stay in away from the situation. There, the fifth April there was a picket, the participants which demanded the unconditional release of Denis Solopova. The same day, Khimki hostages supported in the distant Copenhagen. April 5, Activists Denmark and Sweden came to the Embassy of Ukraine in Copenhagen in order to express solidarity with Khimki hostage Dennis Solopova.

A day later, on April 6 at the building edge prosecutors Permian Left picketed against political repression in modern Russia under the all-Russian day of united action to defend the anarchists Alexei Gaskarov, Maxim and Dennis Solopov And finally, the initiative took into his hands Barnaul.Seventh-April there Rally in support of Maxim Solopov, Alexei Gaskarov and Denis Solopov. Anarchists Barnaul pasted some information posters on the theme of the detention community activists, on bus stops., which is important for the situation in the city itself, the anarchists who was recently confronted with repression in the address.

That's evolved a week of united action in support of Khimki hostages.While she is not finished yet, and stocks that go beyond its framework, will also come in handy.

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