Анархическое движение

Анархисты — это люди, готовые на восстание против несправедливости и угнетения прямо здесь и сейчас. Да, здесь и сейчас, немедленно. Власть, государство, капитал, авторитет, репрессия — все это поджидает нас на каждом шагу (в офисе, дома, в метро, на улице), далеко ходить не надо. Но кто способен атаковать противника незамедлительно, спонтанно, решительно, не сходя с места? Только настоящие анархисты.
Анархисты — сторонники безотлагательного восстания. Они не верят в телеологическое время социалистов, но пребывают в абсолютном настоящем прямой индивидуальной атаки, не опосредованной никакой догмой или дисциплинарной организацией.
Политическая, этическая, социальная и философская задача заключается сейчас в том, чтобы освободить индивидуума от государства и типов индивидуации, которые государство продуцирует и навязывает человеку. Освободить индивидуума от ложных политик фиксированной идентичности (по полу, по профессии, по национальности, по менталитету), от прозябания в тени государственных институций и их идеологий. Анархисты — это те люди в современном обществе, кто всем своим сознанием и своей деятельностью принадлежат этому освобождению и участвуют в борьбе за него на своих местах.

Anarchist Alexandra Dukhanina charged with attacking police

Main investigations directorate of the Investigations Committee of the Russian Federation has announced that Alexandra Dukhanina, 19, under house arrest until March 6, 2013, was been issued with definitive charges over her alleged participation in May 6 clashes during a rally in Moscow's Bolotnaya square. Dukhanina is suspected of using force against police officers who were guarding public order during the event, Investigations Committee said.

Background of the Nizhni Novgorod Victory

In Russian mainstream media, turn of the Nizhni Novgorod was handled with little revealing headlines - "". Thus few understood, that as a matter of fact this was perhaps the sweetest victory of Russian anti-fascist movement this year, this far.

London Anarchist Bookfair 2012

I was invited to speak, and I agreed immediately - LAB is the biggest (or perhaps secondmost biggest, after San Fransisco) anarchist bookfair in the world, could be also the biggest annual anarchist event in the world. One may only crudely estimate number of participators, as entrance is free. Free programs were handed out, with a suggested donation of one pound. 2600 pounds were collected, which is a rather good estimation of number of participators.

Through the Looking-Glass and through the hell

In August, Pyotr Silayev was arrested in Granada, Spain by anti-terrorist special forces. He was then moved to Madrid, where the Audiencia Nacional was to make a decision about his extradiction to Russia. All this based on charges stemming from a demonstration organized by anti-fascists and enviromentalists against the city administration of Khimki, Moscow region. He was released after 8 days, but he is still stuck in Spain, pending the decision of his extradiction to Russia.

Black Petrograd 2012, 2nd-4th of November 2012


From 2nd to 4th of November, Black Petrograd festival will take place in St. Petersburg. This year a libertarian bookfair will take place first time during the festival. People joining the festival will have a chance to acquire books about theory and history of the anarchist movement, as well as other themes close to us, and also meet with authors and publishers of libertarian literature and periodicals. Besides these, there will be discussions on actual problems, theoretical debates, a tour on revolutionary places of St.

Disturbances - Lecture Series presents: CrimethInc. in Helsinki 9th of November

Participants of CrimethInc. collective tell about their project at Mannerheim Hall (Uusi ylioppilastalo, entrance A) 9th of October at 18 PM. Since the mid-1990s, CrimethInc. has been one of the most prolific and ambitious anarchist projects in North America. Participants have crisscrossed the continent for countless tours and actions; produced

An update on the situation of Belarusian anarchist prisoners

Mikalai Dziadok (4,5 years) is finishing his 3rd month in a solitary cell after having refused to work on Saturdays. Work is obligatory in Belarusian penal colonies, but is regulated by the Labour Code, which prescribes that a person shouldn’t work more than 40 hours a week. Mikalai was forced to work more on Saturdays, but refused to do so. He was punished with 6 months of solitary confinement on June 1st. During this period he is deprived of all dates, phone calls and food supply from the outside.

Impressions from the Baltic Anarchist Meeting 2012

Almost two months have passed since the Baltic Anarchist Meeting http://www.bam2012.org/ was organised in Tallinn of Estonia 25th-27th of May, but only now I had time to write some impressions. I haven't come across any other reports yet, but I hope they would show at some point up as I missed many of the discussions. 

Invitation to general meeting of the Autonomous Action

The 11th general meeting of Autonomous Action will take place from 20th to 25th of August 2012 European part of Russia. Autonomous Action is the largest libertarian communist organization of the xUSSR. Our website is avtonom.org. We invite representatives of libertarian and anarchist organizations and individuals as guests. We will discuss internal organization issues and action, conduct theoretical workshops and self-defense trainings.

Links on my exile from Russia

I gathered links on articles in English, Russian, Finnish and Swedish on my exile from Russia. Technically, I am not deported - it is just my residence permit annulled, and I am refused a visa. In practice, these are pretty much the same thing, actually blacklisting from a visa is even worse - deportation means five years ban of entrance, but blacklisting has no any established time limit. 

Links are ordered according to language and relevance.

In English:

Russia to deport Finnish activist who plans to write a book
Helsingin Sanomat 3th of April 2012

Alexandra Dukhanina may face up to 8 years in prison for participation to "March of the millions" 6th of May in Moscow

5th of June lawyer of 18 year old Alexandra Dukhanina, Aleksandr Arutyunov told journalists, that his client has now been offically charged with "participation to riots" and "use of violence against a government official". "Currently Dukhanina was charged with statutes 318 ("use of violence against government official") and 212 part 3 ("incitement to riot) of Russian criminal codex.

Join common days of action for Alexey Sutuga, Alexey Olesinov and all repressed anti-fascists

In spring of 2012, anti-fascist movement of Russia has been targeted with new repressions. An excuse for the repressions was an incident in Moscow club "Vozdukh", where 17th of December, during a punk-hardcore concert, a conflict between public and the security took place. Security of the club consisted of supporters of the far right, and were provoking guests. Due to conflict, concert was got halted prematurely, but the security attempted to take some guests as hostages, promising them punishment from their friends - nationalistic football hooligans. Visitors of the concert resisted, the security opened fire with rubber coated metal bullets, but soon guests of the concert gained upper hand and the security was neutralized.

Anarchists Must Attack What Only Anarchists Can Attack, or why we should support the Cleveland Anarchy Bridge! 5

It’s May 2012 and we anarchists are occupying a very crucial position in the ongoing struggle against Control. The position of violently attacking and dismembering it! I’d like to throw in here that when I use the term violence I also mean property destruction. While it has been argued over and over again that property destruction isn’t violence, I simply don’t care anymore, I’ve come to realize that logic frames the debate in a way I don’t agree with. It’ s surely violent when the Israeli State bulldozes a Palestinian home, or when a bomb explodes in a Judges car, even if no one was injured. I’ve also consciously left out some of the other ways anarchists influence culture and resistance movements as this article will instead focus on the element of violence in todays’ anarchist movement.

Solidarity action in Warsaw against political repression in Russia

Solidarity action in Warsaw against political repression in Russia

On April 20 we made a solidarity action against political repression in
the form of the threatened deportation of Antti R.  (More info about
the case: http://themoscownews.com/russia/20120404/189590201.html or http://hro.rightsinrussia.info/archive/refugees-idps/antti-rautiainen/picket)
We visited the Russian Embassy with a small picket, condemning
political repression by the state.

Food Not Bombs Spotlight Interview: Moscow Anarchist Black Cross

How long has Moscow ABC been in operation, and what does it do?

There were previous anti-repression groups, but first incarnation under label of ABC-Moscow was set up in 2003 as a coordinating organ between existing groups, but around 2005 it had degraded to state of mere internet project. Around 2007, group was reorganised as an autonomous entity, and has been around ever since.

Most of our activity is spreading information and solidarity calls, and raising channeling funds in benefit of repressed anarchist anti-fascist comrades. Occasionally we organise letter-writing and other such events.


In the far North-West of a once mighty empire, there is a distant province, mostly known due to the sluggishness of its inhabitants. They have still not gotten rid of the statue of a czar, who ruled 150 years ago, in the central square of their capital. Inhabitants of the province have never won a single war, but they have a plenty of other reasons to be proud - for example, a ski-jumper who achieved a lot in 1980, but has since then struggled with a substance abuse problem.

The FSB is expelling political activists from Russia

On the 29th of March the Federal Migration Service of Russia gave Finnish citizen Antti Rautiainen, a member of Autonomous Action, an order to leave the Russian Federation within 15 days. According to the order, Rautiainen is suspected of "making statements for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order." Migration authorities have commented, that such decisions are made according to orders from the FSB.

Rautiainen wants to appeal the decision with help of lawyers from the "Civic Action" NGO.

English pages of Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow are up again, prisoner list updated

At some point last year our wiki, including the prisoner list, got broken, but during last weeks we have recovered

Starting point is here: http://wiki.avtonom.org/en/index.php/Anarchist_Black_Cross

At this point, our English pages has only prisoners from former Soviet Union, but if you want to help us to
have a wider perspective, you are welcome to register to wiki anytime!

Interview of Campaign to Defend Khimki Hostages for TerraSelvaggia

TerraSelvaggia is an Italian eco-anarchist paper, which made this interview with Russian Campaign to Defend Khimki Hostages last September. Paper issue came up some time ago after the usual delays, so now it is time for online publication. Keep in mind, that this interview reflects the situation in Russian society last September – before the recent massive protest against election fraud. Now much has changed since then, but much is still the same. Enjoy!


For the beginning, about us, so that you know from which perspective we are talking.

Notes of a co-conspirator

Today, two years have passed since our comrade Ivan Khutorskoy was murdered in Moscow. On occasion, we publish an article which was written for Avtonom journal in Russian, and translated for Abolishing the Borders from Below in English.

“You are made of some different fabric. You are way more prepared than me for this kind of shit. I figured it out, when you told me by telephone, that Vanya is not anymore” - a young comrade put it like this once, in the frame of one discussion. We were standing on the platform of a metro, wagons of steel were scurrying on metallic rails. Their metallic clamps were squeezing
my insides. Yes, my young friend, I am definitely ready for this shit.

Upon the death of Vanya, in spirit I was already in my 4th decade, although my physical age will correspond to that much later. My twenties I had spent in a skinhead-casual frenzy, spiced with an anarcho-communist baggage of ideas. For me, all those years passed side by side with two guys. One of them left all of that behind a long time ago, now he is more into stuff like wifes/mistresses/kids/cars. Another one was Vanya. If I will be alive, healthy, and out of jail  my fourth decade will not be boring either, but it will not be the same.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

1 month ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

1 month ago