Анархическое движение

Анархисты — это люди, готовые на восстание против несправедливости и угнетения прямо здесь и сейчас. Да, здесь и сейчас, немедленно. Власть, государство, капитал, авторитет, репрессия — все это поджидает нас на каждом шагу (в офисе, дома, в метро, на улице), далеко ходить не надо. Но кто способен атаковать противника незамедлительно, спонтанно, решительно, не сходя с места? Только настоящие анархисты.
Анархисты — сторонники безотлагательного восстания. Они не верят в телеологическое время социалистов, но пребывают в абсолютном настоящем прямой индивидуальной атаки, не опосредованной никакой догмой или дисциплинарной организацией.
Политическая, этическая, социальная и философская задача заключается сейчас в том, чтобы освободить индивидуума от государства и типов индивидуации, которые государство продуцирует и навязывает человеку. Освободить индивидуума от ложных политик фиксированной идентичности (по полу, по профессии, по национальности, по менталитету), от прозябания в тени государственных институций и их идеологий. Анархисты — это те люди в современном обществе, кто всем своим сознанием и своей деятельностью принадлежат этому освобождению и участвуют в борьбе за него на своих местах.

Welcome to Father Frost against Putin IV Festival in Helsinki

From 7th to 8th of January 2017 fourth Father Frost against Putin-festival will be organised in Helsinki. Exact festival location will be announced later. 



As in earlier years, various Russian grassroot initiatives will present themselves in festival. You should visit festival, if you are interested on what has happened in Russian anarchist, feminist and queer movements

during year 2016.


All festival events will be open to everyone. 


Disturbances: Illegal graffiti fights against oppression

Food served 4PM, beginning of the lecture 4:30 PM

15-M is the most important protest in the Spanish history since Spain
gained democracy in 1977. 15-M began in 2011 at the square of Puerta del Sol in Madrid and spread rapidly into all cities of Spain.
Madrid’s public spaces are shaped through squatting, protest-camps,
marches, strikes, manifestations and graffiti.

"Avtonom 37": help us publish it!

"Avtonom" magazine is the most well-known and fancy anarchist paper of the exUSSR, published since year 1995. Now, the next, 37th issue is ready to be published. It will tell you:

  • how the state is destroying education system;

  • about sweatshop exploitation in "Magnit" chain stores;

  • who profits on Syria war;

  • what are the impressions about the Donbass war for an anarchist from Kiev and for a communist from Luhansk region;

  • about feminism in Muslim countries;

Disturbances: Anticapitalism in Finland + Rembetiko Party

Capitalism and markets have always been fought back. Reforming and countering market mechanisms has brought about welfare and innovation for example in all Nordic countries, but inherent problems of capitalism have not disappeared.

Markets centralize wealth, force people into poverty and foster strife and competition between people. At the same time, markets help propel the greatest environmental catastrophe humanity has ever faced - planetary climate change.

Moscow Anarchist Black Cross: Animal defender and eco-activist Elena Nadezhkina from Russia is seriously ill, she needs help and solidarity

Elena Nadezhkina took part in different animal defence-, eco- and social actions, international solidarity actions and many others. Until 2009 she volunteered for several years: rescued dogs and cats and found homes for them.  Moreover, Elena participated in ecological projects: campaign against deforestation, campaign for political prisoners of the Khimki forest defence and other social actions.

Dress like Alexander Berkman

Only most outrageous agent on bourgeoisie would claim Oscar Wilde, Alexander Berkman or rest of the anarchists lacked style 100 years ago.

But since then, anarchist swag has been lost and movement is in a crisis.

Change will come Wednesday 10th of August in anarchist Black Kallio festival in Helsinki, from 4 PM at infoshop Mustan Kanin Kolo (Hämeentie 26). 

Sat 26th of March Disturbances-lecture: The Arrival of Feminism at the Anarchist Movement - the Anarcho-Feminist Union 'Peppi' And Other Feminist Groups in the Activist Movement of the 1990s

Doors open at 4 pm, Lecture begins at 4:15 pm

Disturbances-lecture 30th of January: Economic or Political Organization -- or both? Anarchism and Trade Unions

On Saturday 30th of January In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor. Doors open at 6pm and the lecture starts at 6.15.

Finnish labor unions have been marked by power struggle between political parties for nearly a hundred years now. Revolutionary syndicalism, born in early 20th century France, tried to end inter-party arguments within labor unions. Revolution was to be achieved solely through economic means without political power struggles.

Häiriöitä-luento 20.12: Anarkian äärellä 60- ja 70-lukujen Suomessa ja Helsingissä

Disturbances lecture series 20th of December: Anarchy in Finland of 60's and 70's.

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor.

Food served 4PM, Lecture 4:30PM

In late 60's, instinctive anarchism was covered in both Aamurusko, published in Turku, and Ultra, published in Helsinki. A more theoretical approach developed in the anarchist research group of Critical university, and in legendary anarchist club. Anarchism was put in practice in a number of work collectives of the 70's.

Support kitchen for animal rights prisoners

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On Sunday 29th November Helsinki ABC & comrades organise support kitchen for animal rights prisoners from 4pm to 6pm in Kupoli.


There will be information about people jailed because of defending animal rights, possibility to write support letters and also other material about political prisoners.


In menu egyptian lentil stew koshar with rice, green salad and dessert.



Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

4 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

4 months ago