Анархическое движение

Анархисты — это люди, готовые на восстание против несправедливости и угнетения прямо здесь и сейчас. Да, здесь и сейчас, немедленно. Власть, государство, капитал, авторитет, репрессия — все это поджидает нас на каждом шагу (в офисе, дома, в метро, на улице), далеко ходить не надо. Но кто способен атаковать противника незамедлительно, спонтанно, решительно, не сходя с места? Только настоящие анархисты.
Анархисты — сторонники безотлагательного восстания. Они не верят в телеологическое время социалистов, но пребывают в абсолютном настоящем прямой индивидуальной атаки, не опосредованной никакой догмой или дисциплинарной организацией.
Политическая, этическая, социальная и философская задача заключается сейчас в том, чтобы освободить индивидуума от государства и типов индивидуации, которые государство продуцирует и навязывает человеку. Освободить индивидуума от ложных политик фиксированной идентичности (по полу, по профессии, по национальности, по менталитету), от прозябания в тени государственных институций и их идеологий. Анархисты — это те люди в современном обществе, кто всем своим сознанием и своей деятельностью принадлежат этому освобождению и участвуют в борьбе за него на своих местах.

Why should we support Ukraine?

The results of the first 30 years of “democracy” in Ukraine are, to put it mildly, unconvincing. The economy and the media are in the hands of rival oligarchs, corruption is at staggering levels, economic development lags behind many African countries, and in addition, the country has become the center of the neo-Nazi movement around the world. And these problems are basically home-grown, not the result of the Kremlin’s intrigues.

Minecraft ‘terrorism’ Russian court sentences 16-year-old to five years in prison over plot to blow up virtual FSB building in video game

On Thursday, February 10, a Russian court handed down sentences for terrorism to three teenagers from the Siberian town of Kansk. The boys were arrested in the summer of 2020 for posting leaflets with political slogans on the local FSB building. After searching their phones and uncovering a “plot” to blow up a virtual rendering of an FSB building in the video game Minecraft, investigators charged the teens with making explosives and training to participate in terrorist activities.

Kansk teenage anarchists will be sentenced February 10th

The sentence in the case of the Kansk teenagers will be given on Thursday, the 10th of February 2022 at 3PM in Krasnoyarsk time (11 AM Moscow time, 8 AM GMT). Three anarchists from the Krasnoyarsk region are accused of “studying terrorism” and storing explosives. Nikita Uvarov, Denis Mikhayuulenko and Bogdan Andreev were arrested in the summer of 2020 for spreading leaflets that criticised the state, and for supporting political prisoners. At that time they were 14 years old.  

A year of destruction and creation: Kharkiv anarcho-collective calls for international solidarity!

Although the online magazine "Assembly" is active since March 30, 2020 - as soon as - we consider September 6 to be the beginning of its real impact on the social life of Kharkiv.

ABC Moscow news: Ilya Romanov needs support for rehabilitation,  Yegor Lesnykh denied parole, Ilya Shakurskiy in the hole, Kirill Kuzminkin receives propabational sentence, Nikita Uvarov released pending trial

Ilya Romanov

Ilya Romanov needs support for rehabilitation

Ilya Romanov has been an activist in the anarchist movement since 1987. He was sentenced to prison twice, for 10 years in Ukraine in 00’s and 7 years in Russia in the last decade. In 2019 he almost died as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage. Due to the delay in the medical intervention, he lost the capacity to move the right side of his body. 

Elephant in the room: conversation with anarchists from Russia on the "Freedom to Navalny" protests

We got in touch with several anarchist comrades to talk about the recent protests on the streets of different cities in Russia: looked into political events of 2020 and how they brought people to the situation with protests.

With the comrades we managed to clarify if Navalny is a nazi and the whole protest should be ignored by the anarchists or leftists. And of course we talked about anarchists and their participation in protest movement.

Listen to our radio stream:

Support revolution in Belarus

For over three months, people in Belarus have been fighting against the authoritarian regime. In 26 years, dictator Lukashenko has built a system aimed at suppressing any political life. The coronavirus and a number of economic problems have greatly changed what is happening in the country. In a few months, Belarusians have learned to self-organize. The presidential elections provoked a wave of the largest protest in the country's history! But the tyrant does not want to give up his throne. At least 5 people were killed (some died under strange circumstances).

Rupression collective statement regarding the article “four went in the forest and only two went out”

 (about “the investigation” of the connection between the “network” case and the disappearance and death of two young people in Ryazan oblast)

Meduza presents a version according to which Maxim Ivankin, a defendant in the case of “Network”, in plain view of Alexei Poltavets participated in the murder of their acquaintances, Artem Dorofeev and Ekaterina Levchenko (Degree of Poltavets’es involvement in the murder is not specified).

Jena (Germany): Solidarity Event for imprisoned antifascists and anarchists in Russia and Italy

On the evening of may 17th, some dozen acivists gathered in the office of the anarchosyndicalist workers' union FAU in the center of Jena, Central-Eastern Germany, for a ''Long Night of Solidarity'' to get informed on the repression and torture against our comrades in Russia and Italy. There were presentations on both cases, that are similar in the aspect of the use of anti-terrorism operations and fabricated accusations against political activists.

Jena (Germany): Solidarity Event for imprisoned antifascists and anarchists in Russia and Italy

On the evening of may 17th, some dozen acivists gathered in the office of the anarchosyndicalist workers' union FAU in the center of Jena, Central-Eastern Germany, for a ''Long Night of Solidarity'' to get informed on the repression and torture against our comrades in Russia and Italy. There were presentations on both cases, that are similar in the aspect of the use of anti-terrorism operations and fabricated accusations against political activists.

Russia: The trial against the anti-fascists accused in the case of the Network begins in St. Petersburg

9 april 2019 the court trial in the case of the “anarchist terrorist community” Network got underway in St. Petersburg. Viktor Filinkov, a 24-year-old programmer, and Yuli Boyarshinov, a 27-year-old industrial climber, have been charged with involvement in Network.

Festival program published: Father Frost against Putin 2019 to take place in January

Дед мороз против Путина

Next year, 2019, the Father Frost against Putin-festival will once again take place in Helsinki.  From the 5th to the 6th of January you can join discussions about the state of affairs in Russia and the x-USSR region, and get a chance to meet various social and political activists without the fear of police or special service operations. (fear of infringement from the side of police and special services). 

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

1 month ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

1 month ago