August 29, at Lenin Square in Simferopol rally-concert against a curfew in the city. The event is to attract public attention to the illegal decision of the Simferopol city council to restrict freedom of movement of underage citizens.
Organizers (Antifashistkoe action "and" The Marxists ") have sought not merely to challenge the unlawful decision of city authorities, and to challenge discriminatory attitudes towards young people, current perceptions ofsociety.
As planned, the event began with a graffiti-jam (about 15.00), running in parallel DJs already set the theme known rap isposniteley, among which Moskow Death Brigade (anti-fascists, Moscow), No Remorze (political, anti-fascist rap, Paris), Keny Arkana (alterglobalistsky rap, Marseille), CutKiller (social rap, Morocco), Conexion Musical (anarcho-hip-hop from Berlin), Kurzer Prozess (anarcho-vegan-AFL-Fascist rap, Berlin) and others.
At 18.00 started the main part of the festival - performances Simferopol rap commands: "New Front", "Element", "Zhigan name", "At the bus stop", "Order of the street», «76AZ».In between performances rappers have demonstrated their skills bboys. The festival lasted for 6 hours (to 21.00), during the day it Pocito more than 500 people. Friendly atmosphere reigned, except for the statement spontaneously made by another local team.
All the speakers urged to abolish the system komendanstkogo hours for minors, entered the Simferopol city council on March 31 this year.Recall that the decision of the City Council is limited to finding the minors without their parents or persons in loco parentis, from 22 to 06:00 in public places of the city (streets, stadiums, parks and squares), in offices and other facilities for the sale of services trade, catering and leisure, in the courtyards and doorways of dwelling houses, public transport. Monitoring the implementation of the decision the City Council is assigned to law enforcement. Public Movement "For lifting of the curfew," commented innovation: "We believe that the use of such repressive measures as restrictions on freedom of movement is not an effective means of combating the problems of juvenile crime and alcoholism.Moreover, the way the law infringes on the rights of a minor and exacerbates family conflict, between teenagers and their parents, which is now responsible for many is not feasible material otvetstvennost.V primarily adolescents lack not punishment and rewards. We must offer young people an alternative to "night" Leisure ".
Note."Autonomous Action" was not among the organizers of this event. We share the basic message the organizers of the rally and we want to believe that future members "Antifashistkogo Actions from Simferopol will carry out such large-scale and well-organized protests as possible regardless.
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