Champion of К-1 World Max 2010 East Europe Tournament, which took place in Minsk of Belarus 19th of March, dedicated his victory to acquintances and friends of friends who had to pay with their lives for their anti-fascist ideas.
It is also unusual, that Belarussian champion gave an interview in Belarussian language. Here is the full quote
- In press conference in prior to fight you promised to tell, to whom you will dedicate the fight after winning the tournament…
- Well you know, there is much injustince in the world, much evil. And during a very short period of time, many acquintances and friends of my friends died in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. Fyodor Filatov, Ivan Khutorskoy, Timur Kacharava... these people had coinscience, they helped strangers, homeless people, they took action against racial prejudices. And they died. Unfortunately, people who try to change something in this life, suffer from it. They were young people and I am very sad, that they are not with us anymore. I would like to dedicate my victory to them. And also to my country and to everyone who considers himself a Belarussian and is proud for one's people.
Full interview available in Russian here
Semifinal is available in youtube - Vitaly Gurko vs. Gogokhiya Enriko (Georgia)
first part:
second part: