
АнтифаЛюдей, вставших на пути у фашистских банд, привела к тем позициям, на которых они сейчас стоят, конечно, критическая мысль человеческая. Они (антифа, антифашисты) сначала размышляли, обсуждали, гадали, судили-рядили. А потом просто перешли к делу. И это не то же самое дело, которым заняты неонаци. Антифа не стремятся убивать. Они бьют, они воспитывают действием.
не считают, что люди должны отдать контроль над своими жизнями вождям. Нам не нужны работодатели. Мы хотим жить в свободном мире, а не быть заключёнными в мире, разрезанном на государства, расы и рынки. Выбить фашизм — это жизненно важная часть этой борьбы за свободу.

Значительное число настроенных бунтарски и антиавторитарно молодых людей привлекает боевой антифашизм. Суть этого спонтанного антифашизма, разумеется не заключается в изощрённой критике фашистских теорий или в подробном понимании фактической истории фашистского движения. Это скорее инстинктивное отвержение традиционных фашистских представлений о том, кто является высшим и кто — низшим; что представляет собой добропорядочную жизнь и что — развращённую.

Фашисты хотят создать общество и культуру только для тех, кого они считают высшими людьми. Мы — нет. Они хотят дисциплины и порядка. Мы желаем автономии и творчества. Их цель — идеализированное, преимущественно мифическое прошлое, мы хотим совершенно другого будущего. Они строятся за всемогущими вождями; мы хотим критичных и сознательных рядовых участников движения.

Nizhny Novgorod criminal case – Interview with Artem Bystrov, framed Anti-Fascist activist

On April 26, 2011, in the morning, six young people were arrested by Center “E” detectives (so-called “Anti-Extremist” cops). Five anti-fascists of Nizhny Novgorod were subject to home-searches. One of the flats was stormed by OMON (Special Police Squad), the windows were broken because nobody was at home.

During the searches the membership cards of a non-existing organisation “RASH-Antifa” with photos and serial numbers, evidently made by Center “E” (Anti-Extremist Center) detectives, were planted in suspects’ homes.

The Blockade of the Nazi march in Stockholm, December 10

While in Russia right-wing hooligans were guarding the "United Russia" rallies in the center of Moscow, Swedish nazis were holding their own march in the streets of Stockholm. Naturally, leftist activists could not ignore this event. More than 2,000 people gathered to block the right-wing march. The action was attended by different anarchist and socialist groups and organizations from Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Germany, as well as some anarchists from Russia, who, in order to attract the attention of the Swedish media in relation to the ongoing protestsin Russia, handed out the following leaflets in English.

Anti-fascist murdered in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

18th of November 2011, 17-year old anti-fascist Mikhail Norokha was murdered in Dnepropetrovsk of Ukraine. His body was found 8 meters from an abandonded, 16 floor house. He deceased due to multiple fractures and internal bleeding, which resulted from a falling. Although he falled to his back, his nose was broken and he also had scratches in his face. Also, there were remains of pepper gas in his clothes, and his coat was torn, which is additional proof that this was not a suicide. Also, Mikhail had his mobile phone, documents and money left with him - murderers took nothing from him. 

Notes of a co-conspirator

Today, two years have passed since our comrade Ivan Khutorskoy was murdered in Moscow. On occasion, we publish an article which was written for Avtonom journal in Russian, and translated for Abolishing the Borders from Below in English.

“You are made of some different fabric. You are way more prepared than me for this kind of shit. I figured it out, when you told me by telephone, that Vanya is not anymore” - a young comrade put it like this once, in the frame of one discussion. We were standing on the platform of a metro, wagons of steel were scurrying on metallic rails. Their metallic clamps were squeezing
my insides. Yes, my young friend, I am definitely ready for this shit.

Upon the death of Vanya, in spirit I was already in my 4th decade, although my physical age will correspond to that much later. My twenties I had spent in a skinhead-casual frenzy, spiced with an anarcho-communist baggage of ideas. For me, all those years passed side by side with two guys. One of them left all of that behind a long time ago, now he is more into stuff like wifes/mistresses/kids/cars. Another one was Vanya. If I will be alive, healthy, and out of jail  my fourth decade will not be boring either, but it will not be the same.

Cross the border before it's not too late - escape story of Denis Solopov in his own words

I am often faced with one basic question: whether, if knowing the consequences I would still take the same actions I did last year. Of course I would. Yes, we all suffered the consequences, but we also proved that average people, when united are able to scare insolent bureaucrats. Nowadays in the Russia this is worth the effort. Who are the police investigators and field operatives? TThey are subordinates who are generally too frightened to admit that they are the slaves of their bosses, deceiving themselves that things are otherwise. Many of them have clearly understood that they have to make some junk and invent a sort of extremism. Maybe there are also sincere stupid people who believe in their work. These fools do not see the extremists in officials and instead search for them in housing districts.

Rinat Sultanov is being transferred

Rinat Sultanov - anarchist anti-fascist and RASH-skinhead from Saint Petersburg of Russia, who was sentenced to two years in prison for a fight with Nazis, which took place 4th of November 2008, is being transferred. During transfer, which may take more than a month, his whereabouts are unknown. Please remove Rinat's address from prisoner lists until his new prison address is known.

The united actions days in support of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists on June 24-26.

At the present moment by The Anti-Extremist Center of GUVD (General Directorate of Internal Affairs - SM) in Nizhniy Novgorod Region detectives a criminal case is fabricating against Artem Bystrov, who was arrested on April 26,2011. He is incriminated the article № 213 part 2 (hooliganism committed by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement by hatred or hostility toward a particular social group). Two of suspects yet couldn't be arrested. It is worth noting that victim itself — a nationalist D.Redkin, doesn't have any claims to people arrested on April 26 and refuses to take part in confrontments. The case was filed seven months after the accident. It was filed by pressure at the victim and the witness. The investigation is proceeded with gross violations and falsification of evidence. For example during the rummages the membership cards of non-existing organisation “RASH-Antifa” with photos and serial numbers, evidently made by Center “E”(The Anti-Extremist Center - SM) detectives, were planted in to the suspects' homes. <

Anarchist rapper from Siberia kidnapped by Russian authorities

28th of April, hip-hop musician Andrei "KUBA" Kravchenko was kidnapped by police in Moscow in university, where he was about to pass his final exams in faculty of PR. He was handcuffed and taken to police station of "Bogorodskoe", from where he was further sent by airplane to his hometown, distant city of Chita in Siberia.

30th of April, Andrey was interrogated in criminal case against local anti-fascist activists, and eventually released court pending. Case dates back to September of 2010, when a group of local Nazis, lead by Semen Murzin, claimed to local polcie that they had been beaten up by anti-fascists. Five anti-fascist were charged with "hooliganism", but eventually three of them have been requalified from suspects to witnesses.

German woman devoted to removing Nazi graffiti

BERLIN – Irmela Mensah-Schramm stopped abruptly at the crudely sprayed swastika on the wall of a pedestrian underpass. Whipping out a can of spray paint from her cotton tote bag, she quickly made short work of it, turning the neo-Nazi symbol into a nondescript black splotch.

For the 65-year-old retiree, it's all in a day's work.

Summary of common a week of common actions to defend the Khimki hostages from the 2nd to the 9th of April 2011

From 2nd of 9th of April 2011 and after, actions to defend “Khimki hostages”, Alexei Gaskarov and brothers Maxim and Denis Solopov were organised in six countries and
25 cities. Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov are currently out from jail, in court facing charges following from a demonstration, which was organised 28th of July 2010 in Moscow suburg of Khimki against construction of Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road, and the gross human rights violations against its opposers. Denis Solopov has been granted an UNCHR refugee status in Ukraine, but in beginning of April he was detained and is currently waiting his deportation court in Lykyanovka prison of Kiev.


Ufa: An action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki "

On the night of April 10, Ufa anarchists and anti-fascists was carried out graffiti - rally in support of Khimki hostages Dennis and Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova. In the center of town on a busy street next to the police station was painted with images of a large stencil of our comrades.

Detainees in the case of serial murders in Irkutsk were neo-Nazis

Evening of April 5 were detained two suspects in a series of murders and attacks on residents of the city of Irkutsk (near Akademgorodok): Artem Anoufriev born October 4, 1992, medical student University and Nikita Lytkin, born March 24, 1993 The point is cluttered political details.

The preliminary summary of the week, shares of common action in defense of Khimki hostages 9.2 April 2011

Hero Strugatskikh not want to at least someone passed universal  happiness. But we at least understand the general misfortune. And there we are, how can support the comrades, not only throughout Russia but even in some countries quite distant from us. The second through April 9 in the world is united Week action in support of Khimki hostages, a list which has recently Denis joins Solopov, who was arrested by the Ukrainian authorities, contrary to international law. Now ukranskie power to decide whether it extradition to Russia. Opened the week Moscow, which is not very good, becauseregions were not very active in this matter. April 4, the Moscow anti-fascists picketed the Ukrainian Embassy. The initiators of action in defense
Russian anti-fascist Dennis Solopova, third <Khimki hostage>> Now of the Kiev prison, were members anti-racism initiatives <Direct Support>>. The picket was supported by Campaign in defense of Khimki hostages.

Report from court hearings of “Khimki hostages”

On March 14 and 23, 2010 two court hearings in the case of antifascists Alexei Gaskarov and Maxim Solopov who were accused of organizing attack on the Khimki City Administration, took place at the Khimki City Court.

Accusation against Alexei and Maxim is absurd and based on false evidence of three alleged eyewitnesses identifying them as persons participated in the riots.


April 9 in Moscow will host a rally in support of the hostages and Khimki Khimki Forest

On Saturday, April 9, near the monument Griboyedov (out of m "Pure ponds", "Turgenev", "Sretensky Boulevard") will rally in support of defendants' case Khimki Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova and suspect Dennis Solopova, now time being in Kiev prison. Also, the shares will be discussed proposed cutting Khimki near Moscow and other forests for the construction of toll highway Moscow - Saint - Petersburg and repression against defenders of the forest.

Russian anti-fascist sentenced to two years in prison

Anti-fascist Rinat Sultanov was sentenced to two years in prison yesterday in St. Petersburg, for causing “grievous bodily ham to a Nazi during a fight, which took place 4th of November (“Day of national unification”, main convergence day of Russian Nazis) three years ago.

Rinat Sultanov was born and spent his childhood in city of Labytnangi of the far-northern Siberia, where he finished his school.

Belarus: In criminal cases, arrest Belarusian anarchists are preparing to transfer to the court

In the month of April is likely trial of detainees held by anarchists passing on criminal cases related to the arson and attacks on goss.uchrezhdeniya and capitalist property. Comrades in custody, as well as those who still remain under the close supervision of the special services needed moral support and, of course, will. We have not yet come back to background events of September and will take appropriate action to protect repressed.

Moscow authorities have agreed on actions to protect Khimkinskaya hostages "

April 1, the organizers of shares in favor of "Khimki hostages" were in the prefecture of the Central District of Moscow, a document on the harmonization of picketing the embassy of Ukraine (Leontief per., 18, Passage: Metro: Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, "Chekhov", "Okhotny number ") on April 4 at 16 hours and 9 April at 17 o'clock. Harmonization of the rally, scheduled for April 9 in 15 hours, has not yet received, but the representatives of the City Hall was asked to move it to the monument at Griboyedov Chistoprudny Blvd.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

1 month ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

1 month ago