Azat Miftakhov revealed that in 2019 FSB managed his downgrade to the caste of “roosters”

“In our last meeting with Azat Miftakhov it was decided to write about the pressure security forces exert on Azat, previously not brought up by the support group – reports the channel FreeAzat! We were not doing it because at the beginning of his incarceration, we heard about Azat’s unwillingness to disclose this topic – back when it was too sensitive for him. Later in the penal colony, at his suggestion, we wanted to reserve the topic in case the administration uses pressure on prisoners with (political) status."

There’s no need to fix the system: “Trends of order and chaos”, episode 83 (4 December)

Hi everyone! Today is Sunday, 4 of December and we continue our weekly podcast “Trends of order and chaos” This is episode 83. This is what caught our attention in the past week..


1. What should the mobilized do?

In Kazan, at the 1st or 2nd of December the mobilized left in crowds the military unit and went home.

Your desperate mother. Trends of Order and Chaos, episode 82 (27 November) 

Hi everyone, it's Sunday, 27th of November and we're continuing our Trends of Order and Chaos podcast. This is episode 82. Here are the top stories on last week's agenda.

Around the death of Yevgeny Nuzhin

The story continues with the public execution of prisoner Yevgeny Nuzhin with a sledgehammer. He surrendered to the Ukrainians, but was extradited to the Russian state. Two weeks have passed since the video of Nuzhin's execution appeared, but during this time no reasonable explanation has been given by the Ukrainian side.

Festival Feast After Plague (formerly Father Frost against Putin) is postponed to the next January

Unfortunately, we must once again delay our festival, this time due to war. Our concept was always to be an open meeting of Russian (and not only Russian) activists in Helsinki. But now borders are closed, and it is unclear if any open social activism in Russia will be possible from now on.

But we plan to organise our festival anyway. We still have spaces and organising group. Our preliminary new dates for the festival are 6th-9th of January 2023.

Disturbances lecture series 7th of November: Gender, sexuality and the state: a short biopolitical hirstory

In Kupoli, Uusi ylioppilastalo, Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor.



Doors open 6PM, Lecture 6:15PM


In lecture, gender, sexuality and family are being reviewed in relation with nationality, control politics, state and capitalism. Why anarchism is a necessity for queer, and why queer needs anarchism. What would be gender without a state?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/921284921275690/

July 25 International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners!!

International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Antifascists fight against those who—in the government or in the streets—dream of imposing their fascist and other Far Right nationalist nightmares on the rest of us. Throughout the world, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, and racist bigotries are on the rise. Antifas are on the frontline in confronting these reactionary politics, and we will not forget our comrades imprisoned in the course of this struggle.

Schedule of "Father frost against Putin"-festival, to take place in Helsinki 4th of January

Program is preliminary, last minute changes are possible







10:00 – 11:15 Animal rights movement in Russia

11:30 - 12:45 Local environmental struggles in St. Petersburg

12:45 – 13:45 Lunch

13:45 – 15:00 Activism, human rights and queer movement in Armenia

15:15 – 16:30 Struggle for free spaces in St. Petersburg

16:45 – 18:00 Supporting Russian political prisoners

18:00 – 19:00 Dinner

Father Frost against Putin - festival in Helsinki 4th of January 2014

It is estimated that during Russia's New Year's holiday Finland is visited by hundreads of thousands Russian guests. Only in Helsinki there will be at least 130.000 visitors. Many of them want to make rebellion plans to get rid of Putin's regime and they 'hide' their visit as a normal family holiday without anykind of control by FSB or Center of Extermism. 

Disturbances lecture series: Queerfeminist activism

In Helsinki 26th of May, Kupoli of Uusi Ylioppilastalo (Mannerheimintie 5 B 7th floor). Food served 3 PM, lecture starts at 4 PM.

Peijakas! is a queer feminist club and collective which has been organizing gender non-conforming clubs and other events in Helsinki for almost four years. The goal of Peijakas! is to provide an enjoyable space
and a great party for queers, feminists and their friends.

Creating stereotypes - in his controversy with antifa.ru

I know very little about the anti-fascist movement, except, of course, the facts that there is no movement of one of the official leader, that there are comprised of people of different political and philosophical views that the movement uses different methods of dealing with "fascism", including through direct clashes with the "fascists". I have a familiar anti-fascists from St. Petersburg. Some of them, 4 November 2009 by a small group went against the Russian march with a banner "Nationalism in the trash." They are heroes. And make me the warmest feelings.

Размышления о гей-параде

«Moscow Pride ‘06 – Московский Международный Гей-фестиваль» запланирован на 24-28 мая 2006 г. Предварительная программа выключает в себя «день скандинавской гомокультуры» с семинарами и выставками, конференцию об Оскаре Уайльде (с участием его внука), первую международную конференцию Дня Против Гомофобии, культурную программу и - «самое скандальное» - первый ЛГБТ-парад. Он должен состоятся 27 мая, в день, когда исполнится 13 лет отмене уголовной ответственности за гомосексуализм.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

7 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

7 months ago