
A second rally in defense of Irkutsk antifascist

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Today in Irkutsk on the square near the circus once again picket in defense of anti-fascist Alexei Malinin, who is accused in the attack on neo-Nazi Yevgeniya Panova (aka Boomer). The picketers unfurled a banner reading "No to repression," and handed out leaflets in support of his friend. With one of the passers-start an interesting conversation about free carrying weapons.

The rally in defense of the forest Khimki Moscow

August 16, 2010 in Moscow, on Clean Ponds, held a rally in defense of Khimki woods. The event, organized by the "Environmental defense of Moscow Region, brought together about 300 participants. Many of them on their faces or shoulders were drawn numbers 67, reminiscent of the 67% of Muscovites that spoke against laying tracks through the woods Khimki on a survey conducted ekoaktivistami.

August 11 in Sevastopol action of solidarity with the company against the felling of forests Khimki

Near House of Moscow in Sevastopol gathered 20 people from the autonomous actions of the Marxists, environmentalists and their sympathizers. The participants were holding banners reading: "Freedom Gaskarova and Solopovu", "People are more important than profit," Why put Max and Lyesha? "," Plant trees, not people "," No logging Khimki woods! ".

Actions in support of the campaign in Khimki took place in Berlin and Paris


August 9 from 17.20 to 19 hours before the Russian Embassy in Berlin, the capital of Germany, was an action for the immediate release of Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopova arrested after going to the administration of the city of Khimki. More than 30 people from the organization Anarcho-syndicalist Youth Berlin (ASJ Berlin) picketed the building on the Unter den Linden, with black and red flags with the slogan "Against repression" in Russian, German and English.

Solidarity action in Petrozavodsk

On August 9, Student boulevard Petrozavodsk gathered more than 40 people to support Khimkinskiy residents and activists who oppose cutting Khimki park for the construction of highway Moscow-Saint Petersburg. The picketers demanded to stop deforestation, stop the repression against the environmentalists, to immediately release the illegally detained activists, anti-fascist Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova.

Solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists in Ufa

May 4 Ufa anti-fascists and members of the "autonomous action" was an action of solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopovym unlawfully detained after protests in Khimki. On the bridge at the intersection of Ave Salavat Yulayev and st. Sugita Agishev was posted on a banner with the inscription "Freedom for the Moscow anti-fascists".

The action of solidarity with the illegally arrested anti-fascists in Russia

On Wednesday, August 3 in Odessa anti-fascists, anarchists and members of leftist movements held a rally of solidarity with Russian anti-fascists - Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopovym, arrested for allegedly organizing the pogrom city administration Khimki (Moscow region), although no evidence of their involvement in the events of July 28 for illegal search the apartments of arrested had been found.

Hello, you again free radio "Birds Khimki woods"

Main news today - anti-fascists Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova left custody, and Lyesha two months, and Max somehow "indefinitely". Incidentally, for the guys vouched Deputy Oleg Shein gosudumy - that they do not run away and all that, but the court chose to obey Khimki Khimki police. The meeting was somehow made private, so long as no details.

Khimki: smashing down local administration, background and following arrests


Here is the accumulation of all substantial information concerning Khimki forest logging, attack of Khimki administration by anarchists and antifascists and the following arrests.

We clearly understand why Alexei and Maxim got arrested. They are well known in public and are taking responsibility for being publicly open. They never concealed their views, appeared both in press and on the radio. They got arrested being the only antifascists well known to the police. Now the police is under pressure from the administration of the President, that’s why at least someone needed to be arrested. We’re disturbed by the way the procedures are progressing and would appreciate any international support.

Anarchists and anti-fascists in Moscow defeated the administration of Khimki Khimki felled timber

According to local residents, about 20.00 a group of young people, numbering from 400 to 500 people attacked the administration of Khimki. Young people chanted slogans: "Defend Russian forest", "Strelchenko (Chapter Khimki signed a decree on the construction of logging roads), hands off from the forest", etc. Having a column from the commuter train station and in front of him carrying a huge tranparant "Protecting our forest from the Nazi occupiers!", young people, according to eyewitnesses, the building started throwing stones and smoke bombs.

Straight-party in protecting forests Khimki

July 28 (Wednesday)

Straight-party in defense Khimki forests from illegal logging!

Perhaps the most important vecherina in your life ... Who would not fall, risking deeply regret it!

Presented by DJ STALINGRAD and other masters of the fumes!

With the participation of groups:

Gathering: 18:30, Pipe area, near the exit of the subway Pipe (where the monument)

The crew of the ship Moldovan continue strike in the port of Novorossiysk

The crew REF 607 (flag of Moldova) will continue to strike at the port of Novorossiysk to the payment of unpaid wages by the shipowner, the company Kenset Assets SA, told the Russian trade union of sailors referring to the ITF inspector Olga Anan'ina. Sailors - 9 Ukrainians - in the meantime refused to board the ship, doubting the intentions of the shipowner to pay in full the debts. According to Olga Ananyin, on July 19 on board the vessel completely lacking drinking water and food, wage arrears amounted to $ 57,5 thousandEvery day the debt increases by $ 513.

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