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November 20 at 12:00 am on the area of Labor, next to the Circus, held an information picket on the reform of education. The picket organized by the initiative group of citizens. The action will be attended by about ten people, among them representatives of social organizations, teachers, students and anarchists.
The main purpose of protesters - to convey information about the negative side of education reform and the new Federal Law No.83, of impending layoffs and reductions in the state of teachers in secondary schools, as well as deterioration of the education system.

Izhevsk: An action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki (photos)

November 14 in a campaign of united action against the prosecution Khimki hostages - antifascist Alexei Gaskarova Solopova and Maxim, as well as for ending terrorism against social activists and journalists in Izhevsk Picket. The rally was organized by members of the movement "Autonomous Action - Izhevsk. It was attended by about 30 people, most of these were autonomy, anti-fascists, as well as pupils and students of the city.

They ohu.elki ... or freedom of the hostages Khimki

Within days of united action against the prosecution of Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarov in Ufa was a protest picket. He was held in pouring rain and dank autumn wind. Law enforcement, ignoring its responsibility to "protect" the public event disappeared in government vehicles.

Muscovites held a picket in support of Belarusian activists

Today, 16 December, members of the Moscow group of Autonomous Action, the Campaign for the release of hostages, Khimki, as well as the socialist movement "Forward" picketed the Belarusian embassy in Moscow. The action took place in the international campaign (the One Day of Action) in defense of the anarchists and social activists who are in Belarusian prisons.

Shares in defense Khimki hostages were held in Krakow, Paris and Nis

Krakow, Poland. In the evening on November 14 in Krakow, a demonstration of solidarity with the Russian social activists and journalists who have been persecuted for defending Khimki forest. Around 18.00 in the heart of Krakow's central square under the monument of Adam Mickiewicz were about 50 activists. Developed anarchist flags, banners were visible on the slogans on the final release of Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopova, as well as requiring respect for human rights and freedom of speech in Russia.

YSU students have announced a rally of solidarity with Nicholas Dedkov

Students of the European Humanities University and the Youth Initiative StudAlliance announced an indefinite campaign of solidarity with the student at YSU Nicholas Dedkov, which is already two and a half months is held in custody. About this BelaPAN reported in the press service StudAlliance.

"They're just boring ordinary people": interview with Andrey Kutuzov

We publish an interview with Tyumen anarchist party "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov recently gave a local internet portal. Recall that the FSB has accused Andrew of "public calls to extremist activities" (Article 280 of the Criminal Code) on the basis of fraudulent flyers. Recently, prosecutors referred the case to court. In an interview with a detailed account of the situation, sets out background events and are diagnosed with the Russian "extremist" legislation.

Moscow: against political terror roared more than 500 people

"2 years ago by Russia, a wave of terror against social activists and journalists. In November 2008 in Khimki, near Moscow, was severely beaten by the activist movement in defense of Khimki forest and journalist Michael Beketov unknown in Moscow was attacked by the Director of the Institute of Collective Action "Carine Clement, in Vsevolozhsk Leningrad region - the leader of an independent trade union concern" Ford "Alexei Etmanova, and Lotoshinskom region of Moscow - the leader defrauded real estate investors land area Sergei Fedotov.

Prime Services hired hackers to fight antijob.anho.org

DDOS-attack as a means of hiding information

C 10 November at the site of an independent host for social activists
continues a massive distributed computer attack (DDOS), blocks the work site located on it. For people who are not consolidated in hacking cases, want to tell you that such attacks are worth the money, and let's say, a student, they can not afford.

Small Khimki in the Chersonese

акция в Херсонесе

Today, 14 November, in Sevastopol on the reserve Chersonese rally residents against the construction of houses on the site. Several hundred people (have been collected about 400 signatures) organized themselves (through local forums and personal communication) for a rally against illegal building of the reserve. At the site the expected development was a fence enclosing the space under construction.

4 days was the attack on the website of "Grandma after the funeral" and "Labour resistance"

никогда не сдавайся!

What are the similarities between the political art group " "of Novosibirsk (kissmybabushka.com) and Site "(antijob.anho.org), except that they openly express their anarchist ideas? Both of these sites are located on the Russian independent activist hosting anho.org.

Kiev: Fall Student offensive (photos)

November 11 in Kiev, about one hundred students held a rally outside the Ministry of Education. At the urging of the Student Union and organization "Foundation of Regional Initiatives" young people marched through the prospectus of the Victory of the circus to the Ministry of Education. That is to say, from the clown-clowns-professionals to amateurs.

London: The students attacked the office of the Conservative Party, the banks and corporations (photos + video)

Mass protest demonstration of students and a teacher of Great Britain against the British government plans a 3-fold increase in tuition fees in universities has grown 10 November riots. Hundreds of demonstrators, angry anti-social course of the new government headed by Prime Minister David Cameron, broke into the London headquarters of the Conservative Party and entered into a fierce confrontation with the police.

In Barnaul, held a rally of solidarity with the hostages Khimki

November 13, Barnaul, in the Days of unified action to end the persecution of the hostages Khimki Aleksey Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova, Barnaul activists hung a banner "Guys protected forest, but they were put" in one of the railway bridge over a busy highway. By this action they wanted to attract the attention of people in Barnaul to the fact that people can be subjected to repression and persecution by the government for the good and the necessary actions - such as saving the forest.

10:10:10 and 350.org: Marketing, Manipulation, and the Status Quo

As we stand on the edge of apocalypse, we must wake up and acknowledge what the big greens are not saying is far more important than what they are saying. Excerpts from a controversial new book to be released 2010-2011. Article one in a series, we discuss the connection between environmental campaigns and their corporate sponsors. 

The attack on the Angara camp was planned in advance

A criminal case on charges of 20 neo-Nazis in the attack on the ecological protest camp in Angarsk, July 21, 2007 as a result of the many returns on further investigation got to review in court only 3 years after the event. From injuries sustained during the attack, died on an anti-fascist, a member of Autonomous Action from Nakhodka Ilya Borodaenko and the other party to the camp, anti-fascist Yuri Mishutkin from Vladivostok, was seriously wounded and was hospitalized for over 2 months.

France: Protests and repression

Blois. Morning of November 9, students of the Lyceum Dessen blocked chairs and chains of the two main entrance to the building in protest against pension reform. After negotiations, they agreed to put 7.15 in high school staff, but the administration deceived the students, taking advantage of this to open one of the inputs. Then she called the police. Although the blockade was peaceful, the police without provocation attacked the students, verbally abused, punched and threw them on the ground ... Grenoble.

France: Protests and repression

Blois. Morning of November 9, students of the Lyceum Dessen blocked chairs and chains of the two main entrance to the building in protest against pension reform. After negotiations, they agreed to put 7.15 in high school staff, but the administration deceived the students, taking advantage of this to open one of the inputs. Then she called the police. Although the blockade was peaceful, the police without provocation attacked the students, verbally abused, punched and threw them on the ground ...

Jock Palfreeman's murder case adjourned in Bulgaria

SMALL but significant steps have been made towards possible freedom for a young Australian man sentenced to 20 years in a Bulgarian jail.

Paul "Jock" Palfreeman, who grew up in Mosman, was last year found guilty of murdering Bulgarian law student Andrei Monov, 20, and severely wounding Anton Zahariev, 19, during a drunken brawl on December 28, 2007 in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia.

Moscow will host a rally against the persecution of Khimki hostages and other social activists

Nov. 14 at 14 o'clock near the monument Griboyedov (m Net ponds, Turgenev) in a single day of action to end the prosecution of Khimki hostages to be held a rally organized by the Committee for the Liberation of Khimki hostages and welfare movement Khimki forest. November 13 marks 2 years since the attack on the defender Khimki Forest Michael Beketov who remained disabled, but, nevertheless, November 9, 2010, was found guilty of slandering the Mayor of Khimki.

Meeting on November 7 in Irkutsk

Normal 0 November 7 Irkutsk anarchists came to the traditional meeting between the CPRF and black-and-red flag and banner of "In the seventeenth did not ask for a take!". While it sounded from the podium in support of Lukashenko Batko, anarchists had distributed leaflets with information about those arrested after the attack, unknown to the Russian embassy Belarusian activists. It seems that the popularity of Lukashenka, even among supporters of the Communist Party went into decline, the protesters on the leaflets completely reacted favorably.

Things continued on extremist leaflets

Here in our country is such an interesting stereotype - the police just do not start, once you have taken a turn, then won something. " Recently, however, this stereotype has passed the position, but still strong. Reminding about the fact that the guilt we have determined not result, and the court is usually futile. But I will try to recall. So, I ended familiarization with the case. Yes, thus (Public appeals for extremist activity).

Art and Anarchy

On Thursday 11 November (20.00-22.00) in the shop "Gilea (Tverskaya Boulevard, 9) in the regular Gileyskih readings by a discussion on" Art and Anarchy. The discussion will include a presentation of the first Russian edition of "Anarchy in the era of dinosaurs" (published by "Gilea). The authors - an American team of "Curious George Brigade, affiliated with a network of collectives CrimethInc.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

1 month ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

1 month ago