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Antirepressivny march of anger

In Ufa was "Antirepressivny march of anger, October 16, the procession passed through the traditional route through the geographical center of the city - from the Palais des Sports to Lenin Square on the Avenue of October. Rain and snow in the damp October air burst chanting slogans protesting against the persecution of social activists in Russia and Belarus: "No to political repression," "Solidarity without Borders," "Freedom Dmitry Chuvilin / Andrey Kutuzov / Maxim and Alexei / Belarussian anarchists!

Ukraine: the student protests. Birth of the extra-parliamentary opposition (photo report + video)

October 12, more than 15 major cities in Ukraine have been massive protests of students. The protests have shown not only protest potential of Ukrainian students. Citizens of Ukraine (not just the students) a chance to break the vicious circle in which the country was driven parliamentary politics. Society is able to formulate and impose their will without a system of parliamentary representation. To do this, we no longer need television talking heads on talk shows.

Ache in Russia would be "a more expensive" - payments for sick leave will cut

Health and Social Development, introduced in the State Duma anti-social bill that radically alters the payment scheme for sick leave. The main thing about him is that 100% of average earnings will not be paid after 8 years of service, and after 15 years. And the hospital will be assessed on the basis of average earnings are not over 12 months and 24 months, says Rossiyskaya Gazeta . The new bill infringes on the rights of millions of young workers.

Greece: the sentence the murderers in uniform shot and killed an anarchist Alexandros Grigoropolos

October 11, 2010. court found two police officers , Epaminondas Korkoneas and Vassilis Saraliotis, guilty of murdering 15-year old anarchist Alex Grigoropolos committed 6 December 2008. At Epaminondosa Korkoneasa court put even more serious charges, the prosecutor: involuntary manslaughter with the possibility of malicious intent has become a killing evil intent. The Court has not recognized for Korkoneasa no mitigating factor.

Another protest was held in Simferopol students

Вчера (12 октября) в рамках всеукраинской кампании за отмену постановления № 796, узаконивающего коррупцию в ВУЗах, в столице Крыма - Симферополе прошла очередная акция. В 16:00 начался флэшмоб: участники одновременно зачитали статью № 53 Конституции Украины, согласно которой каждый имеет право на образование.

Izhevsk: graffiti - anti-fascist rally in memory of Fedor Filatov

If others do not remember it, DOES NOT SIMPLY THE ENEMY! October 11 Izhevsk autonomy had graffiti campaign in memory of Theodore "Fedyaya" Filatov - an anti-fascist, who was killed two years ago in Moscow, the Nazi bastards. Activists imprinted on one wall of the name of our friend and comrade, an anti-fascist, who was never afraid to speak out against neo-Nazism and other forms of discrimination.

Tyumen anarchist FSB charged with inciting violence against police

Today a FSB of Russia for Tyumen Region A. Sukharev indicted Tyumen anarchists party "Autonomous Action", a university lecturer and the candidate of philological sciences Andrey Kutuzov into "public calls to extremist activities" (Part 1 of Article 280 of the Criminal Code. It is about distributing "Extremist" leaflets in apparently falsified evidence, investigations proceed with April 2010, avtonom.org already wrote about it .

October 14-20. Days of common solidarity actions near Belarusian Embassies

Since the beginning of September 2010 the social activists in Belarus face with unprecedented pressure. After the attempt of the arson at the Russian Embassy on the night of August 31, 2010 and the start of the presidential campaign, around hundred of social activists from different cities (Grodno, Brest, Gomiel, Minsk and Soligorsk) have passed through ‘talks’, interrogations at the KGB, house-raids and arrests, some of them are still detained. T

Write letters of support to Khimki hostages!

Goal of repressions is to isolate its targets from the remaining movement.  Thus it is very important to support contact with arrested comrades - even if you did not knew them personally, letters may raise spirits in difficult times of  imprisonement.


You may write letters of support for Alexey and Maxim through e-mail address helphimki <a> gmail <dot> com, or P.O. Box of Anarchist Black Cross of Moscow - P.O. Box 13, 109028 Moscow Russia.

International Day of Action for Jock Palfreeman on 19th of October

Jock Palfreeman

    Jock Palfreeman is a 23 year old Australian who had the courage to stand up against 16 Nazis on a night out in Sofia, Bulgaria. He witnessed the fascists chasing and attacking two young Roma boys. Jock ran to the boys' aid, he did his best to keep the Nazis at bay by waving a knife at them but they attacked him. Jock was left with nowhere to run and had no choice but to defend himself. Andrey Monov, one of the Nazis, was stabbed and killed and another, Antoan Zahariev was injured. The Roma boys ran away.

    Jock has since been tried and sentenced for murder and attempted murder. He has been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment and has been fined 375,000 Australian dollars.

Neftekamsk: action in memory of Theodore "Fedyay" Filatov

October 10 Neftekamsk Rally memory of Fedor "Fedyay" Filatov - our friend, anti-fascist murdered two years ago in Moscow, Nazi filth. Day successfully held listovochnaya campaign informing people about the incident. The townspeople were very interested what is happening, some expressed a desire to help in the distribution. There were distributed about 60 leaflets. After that, the activists went to the Eternal Flame, which honored the memory of the deceased.

The text of the leaflet:

Elections without choice!

All ads have certainly got the regional elections on 10 October this year. Agit-flyers glue everywhere: on lampposts, on the gate on residential buildings, public toilets ...! In general got. The main theme of campaign - a choice of "our candidate". "Honest opinion", "selfless", "guardian for the nation" - and this is only a small fraction of candidates boasting. Well, the people, as always, it seems stupid electorate.

The Moscow Regional Court quashed the decision of Khimki city court to extend the detention of anti-fascist Maxim Solopova

According to information distributed by the Campaign for freedom to  Khimki hostages , October 8, a panel of judges of the Moscow regional court, chaired by Dmitry Bobkov partially upheld the complaint lawyer Maxim Solopova Yuri Eronina and annulled the decision of Khimki city court to extend the detention of Maxim Solopova until November 29, 2010. Khimki city the court must in time until October 20 to re-consider whether the content Solopova custody.

Moscow regional court will consider the appeal for an extension of custody Maxim Solopova

Consideration of the appeal decision Khimki city court extended the detention of Maxim Solopova will be held on October 8, Friday at 10 am at the Moscow regional court. Consideration of complaint counsel for an extension of custody Alexei Gaskarova be held on October 15. Recall, September 28, Khimki city court judge Ekaterina Kudryavtseva made the decision to extend the detention period of Maxim Solopova for another two months.

The action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki: Penza

Recently, in Penza, anarchists held a rally of solidarity with their Moscow colleagues Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopova arrested on suspicion of assault on the administration of the city of Khimki, Moscow Region. Activists have been stuck 200 leaflets in busy parts of town. At the most prominent places have been put inscription: "Freedom Khimki hostages", "Plant trees, not activists, and others with links to sites www.avtonom.org and khimkibattle.org .

In Simferopol, the students held a march against "legal corruption in higher education"

October 4 in Simferopol, a march of students Tauride National University, for the abolition of the Cabinet of Ministers № 796 "On approving the list of paid services that may be provided by state and municipal educational institutions", adopted in late August. This decision is expected introduction of fees for absences for valid reason, for the use of library books, for laboratory work and t.d.Odnako this decision contradicts the article.

October 14-20. Days of common actions to support arrested Belorussian anarchists

We, anarchists of Belarus and Russia, call to all honest people all over the world for actions of boycott and protest against embassies of Belarus Republic and every other institution related to the Belarusian government! Total mobilization for solidary actions is necessary, because our comrades still remain in chains of Lukashenko fascist regime. Their names: Mikalaj Dziadok and Aliaksandar Frantskievich.

"Cops - to space!" 2, 5 years from the date of Sokolnichesky events

October 4, 2010 coincided 2 dates: 53 years ago was launched into space the first artificial satellite, 2, 5 years ago, employees of the Moscow police department Sokolniki attacked a group of non-formals. 7 of them were detained and beaten in the department. One of the battered, Seva Ostapova, Transfiguration inter-district court awarded one year suspended for alleged attack on a policeman's Sokolniki. While 20 witnesses for the defense argued that it was exactly the opposite.

"Cops - to space!" 2, 5 years from the date of Sokolnichesky events

October 4, 2010 coincided 2 dates: 53 years ago was launched into space the first artificial satellite, 2, 5 years ago, employees of the Moscow police department Sokolniki attacked a group of non-formals. 7 of them were detained and beaten in the department. One of the battered, Seva Ostapova, Transfiguration inter-district court awarded one year suspended for alleged attack on a policeman's Sokolniki. While 20 witnesses for the defense argued that it was exactly the opposite.

Moscow anarchists blocked the Minsk highway in solidarity with the Belarussian friends

We, a group of Moscow anarchists in the early morning on October 1 blocked with burning tires Minsk highway between Odintsovo and Krasnoznamensk in protest against the persecution  of fighters for freedom and justice of the fascist regime of Lukashenko.

In Simferopol, the students held a march against "legal corruption in higher education"

On Monday, Oct. 4, students will march in Simferopol for the abolition of the Cabinet of Ministers № 796 "On approving the list of paid services that may be provided by state and municipal educational institutions".

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

8 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

8 months ago