
Wheel drive

Detachment of riot police near Moscow yesterday held a special operation to detain head movement to protect forests Khimki Eugenia Chirikova. Blocking journalists, policemen were waiting for her at the press conference on the attack on the Khimki administration, was taken to the station and interrogated the whole day. In the Moscow region police department say that the leader of environmentalists ignore the call for questioning, but recognize that the police "overdone".

Solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists in Ufa

May 4 Ufa anti-fascists and members of the "autonomous action" was an action of solidarity with the Moscow anti-fascists Gaskarova Alexey and Maxim Solopovym unlawfully detained after protests in Khimki. On the bridge at the intersection of Ave Salavat Yulayev and st. Sugita Agishev was posted on a banner with the inscription "Freedom for the Moscow anti-fascists".

Do not believe the provocateurs! | Statement Antifa.Ru about anonymous roller

Today, the Internet has appeared a video where a man in a mask is recognized organization "Khimki events" and promises new "disorders". Moreover, in this video is referred to our friend Alex Gaskarov wrongfully detained by police on trumped-up charges - a masked man called him the organizer of the events surrounding the administration.

"Everyone is entitled to their 15 minutes of power"

From the editors of Kommersant by e-mail yesterday contacted hiding from law enforcement organizer of the pogrom administration Khimki. This man's name wording is unknown, we know only that it was he during the campaign led by a column of anarchists and activists "antifa", shouting into a megaphone slogans.

Hello, you again free radio "Birds Khimki woods"

Main news today - anti-fascists Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova left custody, and Lyesha two months, and Max somehow "indefinitely". Incidentally, for the guys vouched Deputy Oleg Shein gosudumy - that they do not run away and all that, but the court chose to obey Khimki Khimki police. The meeting was somehow made private, so long as no details.

In the case of the arrested anti-fascists court found the evidence insufficient, but left in custody

July 31 in City Court, the Court held Khimki to elect measure Alexei Gaskarova and Maxim Solopovu. The meeting was held behind closed doors, which in the opinion of counsel had no reason to.

Khimki: smashing down local administration, background and following arrests


Here is the accumulation of all substantial information concerning Khimki forest logging, attack of Khimki administration by anarchists and antifascists and the following arrests.

We clearly understand why Alexei and Maxim got arrested. They are well known in public and are taking responsibility for being publicly open. They never concealed their views, appeared both in press and on the radio. They got arrested being the only antifascists well known to the police. Now the police is under pressure from the administration of the President, that’s why at least someone needed to be arrested. We’re disturbed by the way the procedures are progressing and would appreciate any international support.

Anarchists and anti-fascists in Moscow defeated the administration of Khimki Khimki felled timber

According to local residents, about 20.00 a group of young people, numbering from 400 to 500 people attacked the administration of Khimki. Young people chanted slogans: "Defend Russian forest", "Strelchenko (Chapter Khimki signed a decree on the construction of logging roads), hands off from the forest", etc. Having a column from the commuter train station and in front of him carrying a huge tranparant "Protecting our forest from the Nazi occupiers!", young people, according to eyewitnesses, the building started throwing stones and smoke bombs.

Single picket ended in the police department

20 July activist "Autonomous Action UFA went to a single rally support in the fight for their rights dwellers Parkhomenko, 69, 71, 73, Kirova 45, 43, 43 / 1; Dostoevsky 106, 106 / 1 Ufa. Earlier, the autonomous action of Ufa, with the support of sympathizers are already held a picket to draw attention of the authorities and the public to the problem of point buildings, but there was no response, and the construction of a multistory building on the site of the playground still not stopped.More

Tyumen: people fall under the KAMAZ trucks in the fight against the barbaric construction

In Tyumen the confrontation on the street dwellers Logunov and businessmen who supported the city administration decided to build an office building directly on the site of the green zone. Yesterday, 23 June, there took place gathering of tenants who are unhappy with the construction of new office building on-site garden and playground. After listening to the officials who confessed to ban the construction of powerlessness, people realized that the only formal ways nothing will not achieve. And decided atchange more directly.

Based on a "case of Sokolniki see Friday

This Friday, June 11 at 20.00 on REN-TV half-hour film will be shown in the case of Vsevolod Ostapova. Recall that the campaign for student Vsevolod Ostapova is already more than two years. During this time, there have been over a hundred shares - pickets, rallies, with the help of which have been repeatedly pointed out the absurdity of the charges against the young man.

Passengers near Moscow EMUs have expressed dissatisfaction with the policy of JSC "RZD"

June 7 in Moscow in a park near the headquarters of Railways held a rally against the sanctioned undo near Moscow electric trains. Mass cancellation of electric trains create a stampede in the suburban trains themselves and at the exit, people watch can not get to work and study. In the course of action was also competition for the best "rabbit ears".

In Tyumen, students require return transportation benefits

Tyumen, students continue to struggle against increasing fares on buses and for the return of student benefits. On Friday, June 4 they had in the downtown rally "hares", joined by the participants' blood pressure-Tyumen and vneorganizatsionnye anarchists. About 25 people in masks, in spite of rain, handing out leaflets and stickers, talked to passers-by and the cops.

Another murder committed by neo-Nazis in Moscow

On the 24th of May a group of young people were celebrating their friend’s birthday on the Moscow river embankment in the north-western part of the city. With the party coming to an end, the company started to dissolve while the rest, around 15 people and mostly girls remained to collect the rubbish. At this juncture they were attacked by a group of neo-Nazis (about 40 people) coming from the bridge, shooting their non-lethal guns and screaming «It’s them, get them!" According to the witness neo-Nazis sought to beat each and everyone. One of the girls got her back injured hit by a cobble. When the guys returned to the place most of them managed to get away from, they found their friend Dmitry Kashitsyn lying in blood. He got severely wounded. Dmitry died on the spot even before the police and the ambulance arrived. He was 27.

Call for international solidarity with the miners of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region

On the night of May, 8 a powerful explosion ripped through the Russia's largest coal mine Raspadskaya near the city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region, followed by another methane blast 4 hours later. Several ground-based structures were destroyed by the double blast which also led to the ventilation system being rendered inoperative. The exact death toll is still unknown. Currently, official media reported 66 workers dead, 84 injured and 24 missing. A sudden excess of level of methane is said to have caused the explosion.

Anarchists-antimilitarists attacked central Moscow military headquarter

On February 23 in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and several other former republics of the Soviet Union the holiday "Defender of the Motherland Day" is celebrated. As the name suggests, the holiday is celebrated by people who are serving or were serving in the Russian Armed Forces. This holiday is always full of patriotism and prevailing authorities do their best to fill people's heads with shit, making them to be ashamed of unwilingness of military service and to respect those who served in the armed forces, if not love it.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

1 month ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

1 month ago