
The action of anti-fascists at Trinity Square.

January 19, 2011 marks exactly two years since the assassination of anti-fascists Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. Shares of memory and the protest took place on this day in many cities around the world. We remember the people who are victims of the Nazis, remember and continue to fight.

In Tyumen, in memory of Anastasia and Stas laid flowers at the monument to the fighters of the Revolution

In Tyumen, January 19 Rally memory of those killed by the Nazis anti-fascists - a lawyer Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

About twenty people gathered at six o'clock in the evening at a monument to the fighters of the revolution: the Tyumen anti-fascists, anarchists, journalists and simply indifferent. On the pedestal of the monument to put photos of Nastya and Stas. Participants lit candles and laid red carnations to the portraits. Despite the wind, the candles were burning, even when the action ended. See below for video from the rally.

Graffiti campaign in the Crimea memory Stas Markelov and Anastasia Baburova

граффити в Крым

"And we are well aware that besides ourselves, we have no one else ever did not give this protection. Neither God nor king, nor the law. Nobody. Only we do. And then when we put each other's shoulder, when we able to protect each other - only then will we break through. I hope that it will be. Otherwise, we all gathered here in vain. " (Stanislav Markelov)

Solidarity: sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov!

Show solidarity, sign a petition in support of Andrey Kutuzov our friend, member of the movement "Autonomous Action". 14 April 2010 on suspicion of distributing extremist material was detained and interrogated TSU professor Andrei Kutuzov. On the same day in his apartment was searched. Today Andrey Kutuzov was formally charged under Art. 280 of the Penal Code, "Public appeals for extremist activity" for the distribution of leaflets allegedly manufactured and distributed them at a rally on Oct.

The campaign for free transport FREE PUBLIC - continues!

стикер за бесплатный общественный транспорт

Despite the promise of the authorities to change the situation for the better after the appointment of the director KP "SEVELEKTROAVTOTRANS" owner taxi Tsybulkin, the situation remains critical in the enterprise. Fares went up, but there are arrears of wages to employees, the park is not updated with new cars, recreation companies on the South Coast for sale for "pennies" timetable trolley adapts to benefit shuttle "king".

Videopodcast "Burevestnik"

Latest news about anarchist movement in videopodcast "Burevestnik".

(December 2010) In this issue: Students strike in London, resistance of local residents in Moscow, In Greece everyone is on strike, Alfredo Bonanno was released from prison, the World championship 2018 and racial wars are happening in Moscow, meeting against prosecution of journalists in Tyumen, solidarity actions with belarusian anarchists in 6 countries, an arson of Lukoil's filling station in Moscow, an arson of an excavator in St.-Petersburg, a victory over Gazprom's business tower in St.-Petersburg, false meeting for deforestation in Moscow, destruction of the hunting towers in the woods of France, an issue of Jared Diamond's Book.

In Tyumen, held a preliminary court hearing in the case of Andrey Kutuzov

November 25 in Tyumen, held a preliminary court hearing on the case participant "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, who was accused of producing and distributing "extremist" leaflets. Judge Garipova did only one thing: admitted the positive characteristics for Andrew and places of work and residence. The defense petition, but the judge dismissed them, saying that the application will be considered later in the course of the case on its merits.

Picket against commercialization of education

In Irkutsk Picket against education reforms. The action was attended by about ten people. Anarchists are handed out to passers-special edition of the newspaper "Free Siberia" devoted to education reform. Several passersby said they would support the campaign against the commercialization of education and to participate in future promotions.

Small Khimki in the Chersonese

акция в Херсонесе

Today, 14 November, in Sevastopol on the reserve Chersonese rally residents against the construction of houses on the site. Several hundred people (have been collected about 400 signatures) organized themselves (through local forums and personal communication) for a rally against illegal building of the reserve. At the site the expected development was a fence enclosing the space under construction.

We do not like when freedom tramples the garbage!

October 31 a group of libertarian activists staged a rally in the center of St. Petersburg. In the midst of confrontation between the authorities and the opposition during the meeting "Strategy 31", from the roof of a department store Passage was posted 9-meter banner "Any power - shit, ban, banned!". Were then ignited Fire in representatives of punitive structures flew smoke bombs to frighten them, but on Nevsky Prospekt thrown leaflets.

Congratulations on the Russian nation in STDs

Fascists, Nazis, patriots, Eurasians, the neoconservatives and the supporters of civil servants!
Art-Group "Affinity" group "attic and friends" and anarchists Petersburg congratulate you all on the Day of the Russian nation! For the professional holiday which is celebrated on November 4, we prepared the perfect gift. In the most lively place of St. Petersburg, over the roofs of Nevsky Prospekt, broke a six-meter large graffiti that reveals the secret of your home.

Nazi organizations in Bulgaria

In the following post you will read an articale about situation with nazism in Bulgaria, which was written by collective "Anarcho-resistance" from Sofia.
Looking back, now in one of bulgarian prisons there is an australian antifascist Jock Palfreeman, who was charged with 20 years prison for self-defence. The hearing on his case was delayed from 21 of October to 11 of November. On this week we recieved a letter form Jock, he wrote, that it's important to to keep pressure on Bulgarian authorities in 3 months after the trial (21th of October), because
decision will be posted 2-3 months after. We call everyone to support Jock Palfreeman. Write to him and send protest letter to bulgarian authorities.

"Khimki hostage" gave interview to "Rain"

In the evening air of "Rain" from 18.17 to 18.33 was a story about the release of Alexey and Maxim, they themselves were in the air (TV channel "Rain"). Recall Gaskarov Alex, one of the two "Khimki hostages, was today (22 October 2010.) released in the courtroom on his own recognizance.


Belarus shares the support of anarchists held in Cheboksary

Authorities feel impunity! They're used to that they have a prison, accustomed to our fear. They have long been looking at us like a gray mass, which is unable to unite against the regime of oppression and suppression, the world's lies and not justice. This spit of all the authorities of all countries and states! The only thing they fear is courage. People who are determined to escape the burden of misinformation, not afraid to be anarchists, anti-fascists, social activists.

Moscow anarchists blocked the Minsk highway in solidarity with the Belarussian friends

We, a group of Moscow anarchists in the early morning on October 1 blocked with burning tires Minsk highway between Odintsovo and Krasnoznamensk in protest against the persecution  of fighters for freedom and justice of the fascist regime of Lukashenko.

Cheboksary: The action of solidarity with Khimki hostages.

September 20, Cheboksary, became a day of action in support of Alexis Gaskarova and Maxim Solopova. Day in Cheboksary universities activists distributed a leaflet "The situation № 28" (it was distributed about 400 copies). Marposadskoe evening on the highway (one of the main roads in Cheboksary), on the railway bridge were placed banner "No to Repression" and "Freedom Khimki hostages.

Zaporozhye: An action of solidarity with the hostages Khimki "


Anti-fascist activists held a series of Zaporozhye shares in a campaign of solidarity with rosiyskimi social activists who are harassed, detained and tortured because of their participation in the protection of forests Khimki. All last week the anti-fascists of the "Kozak сіті" distributed leaflets in the streets. At the end of the week, one of the bridges of the city had posted a banner with the slogan "Free the hostages Khimkinskiy!".

Videopriglashenie a rally on September 19 in Moscow

Химкинские заложники

September 19, 2010 at 16 o'clock in Moscow at the monument Griboyedov (m. Prudy) held a rally in support of activists and Alexey Maxim Solopova Gaskarova suspected of organizing attacks on the administration of the city of Khimki. Come and participate! Support our friends!

Site protection heemkinskih hostages

Attack of the anarchists in the IVS Akrestsin

In Minsk on September 6 by a group of anarchists was attacked by Molotov cocktails, a temporary detention facility on Akrestin. After radical action near the Russian embassy repressive organs of the state launched an unprecedented raid on the anarchists and other social activists across the country. Insulators are filled with all new detainees. This is mainly children who have no relation to the radical actions and engaged in peaceful advocacy of their views and participation in social initiatives. Now they sew things and hang all that is possible.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

8 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

8 months ago