
Sign the petition with the demand to reinstate Andrey Kutuzov in his teaching position.

We call on concerned academics around the world to sign the petition to Administration of Tyumen State University and Russian higher education authorities.

Andrey Kutuzov is a Russian anarchist academic who has been teaching linguistics at Tyumen State University (Western Siberia). He is also an activist and participant in grassroots movements. 7 September 2011 Andrey was dismissed by Gennady Chebotarev, the rector of the University. We believe that Andrey was dismissed because of pressure from the local authorities on the university administration. The official reason for the dismissal was declared “committing an immoral deed” referring to the recent case of repression for his political activities.

A letter from father of Konstantinas Karakatsanis

Now greece can sleep in peace. PASOK’S justice sentenced the 18yearold then Kostandina to 11years imprisonment with no proof, no evidence, not even based on her age. She may be the only political prisoner that is under 20 in the world. If there is another its probably in a country in banania. They sentenced her at a trial that was between a court martial and an inquisition, without taking into consideration neither the witnesses nor all the evidence that shouted her innocence.

Documentaries about the prosecution of anarchists in Belarus are now available in internet in English

English version of the documentaries "Disregarding The Law" and "Anarchy. Direct action. Impartial" version are now available in the internet. The movies tell the story of the repressions of anarchists in Belarus in september 2010 - may 2011. Short description of the "Anarchy. Direct action. Impartial": “The documentary was created in winter 2011 by ABC Belarus to cover the repressions of the anarchist movement in Belarus from september 2010 up to february 2011. The movie include the comments from anarchists, Russian and belarus officials, human right activists. ”

Human right activist Aleksey Sokolov is free!

Today, about 10 a.m. Sosnovoborsky City Court granted the petition of the political prisoner Alexey Sokolov parole.

At 15 p.m. Alexey appeared in front of penal colony №40, where lawyer Roman Kachanov waited for him. I managed to phone to take short interview with Aleksey:

- Alexey! How are you and what do you feel? How much court decision on your parole was expected?

The united actions days in support of Nizhny Novgorod antifascists on June 24-26.

At the present moment by The Anti-Extremist Center of GUVD (General Directorate of Internal Affairs - SM) in Nizhniy Novgorod Region detectives a criminal case is fabricating against Artem Bystrov, who was arrested on April 26,2011. He is incriminated the article № 213 part 2 (hooliganism committed by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement by hatred or hostility toward a particular social group). Two of suspects yet couldn't be arrested. It is worth noting that victim itself — a nationalist D.Redkin, doesn't have any claims to people arrested on April 26 and refuses to take part in confrontments. The case was filed seven months after the accident. It was filed by pressure at the victim and the witness. The investigation is proceeded with gross violations and falsification of evidence. For example during the rummages the membership cards of non-existing organisation “RASH-Antifa” with photos and serial numbers, evidently made by Center “E”(The Anti-Extremist Center - SM) detectives, were planted in to the suspects' homes. <

You are the best! Thank you from ABC-Belarus

Today, when the sentence was passed on Belarusian anarchists, Anarchist Black Cross-Belarus considers it a must to say the words of gratitude that had accumulated during the 8.5 months of waiting and struggle.

Out experience has proven that really ‘a friend in need’s a friend indeed’.

First of all we would like to express gratitude to all the people, groups, collectives and organisations which responded to our calls for solidarity with Belarusian anarchists.

We got support from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Novorossiysk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Ekaterinburg, Ufa, Kazan’, Cheboksary, Nizhniy Novgorod, Volgograd, Voronezh, Belgorod, Rjazan’, Smolensk, Simferopol, Mariupol, Donetsk,whole, within 8 months 74 solidarity actions of all kinds took place, from info-meetings and leaflets spread to radical actions (the blockade of the Moscow-Minsk road, attacks on KGB, police stations and detention facilities). Kyiv, Lviv, Chishinau, Minsk, Bobruisk, Gomel, Grodno, Bereza, Zhlobin, Vilnius, Riga, Lublin, Warsaw, Szczecin, Budapest, Prague, Sofia, Vienna, Tirol, Berlin, Rostock, Hamburg, Marcelle.

Italy: a wave of raids and arrests against anarchists

5 arrests in Bologna, 7 banning orders, 60 raids all over Italy. On April 6 more than 300 officers were employed in an “anti-terrorism” operation named ‘Outlaw Operation’ that specially targeted anarcho-insurrectionalist activists. The operation was carried out in 16 different cities including Bologna, where police arrested 5 activists close to the squatted social centre Fuoriluogo and shut down the place. Another person was arrested in the nearby town of Ferrara and released straight after interrogation. 7 other people are under banning orders which restrict their movements and are also being investigated (just for your information, these measures are normally adopted when there is serious circumstantial evidence of guilt AND at least one of the following: risk of escape, risk of acquisition or of the genuineness of the evidence and risk of the offence being repeated).

A petition in support of Dennis Solopova

April 12 anti-fascists passed a petition to the consulate of Ukraine in Saint Petersburg. In support of Dennis Solopova activists were gathered around a hundred signatures. The petition contained a request not to extradite to Russia party's anti-fascist movement Denis Solopova being in jail in Ukraine and is suspected of organizing attacks on the administration building near Moscow Khimki 28 July 2010 in protest against plans to cut down forests Khimki.

In Tyumen Picket in support of Dennis Solopova, or how law enforcement does not know the laws

Tyumen anti-fascist rally held a single on April 12 at the Consulate of Ukraine in Tumen against the illegal extradition of anti-fascist Dennis Solopova from Ukraine to Russia, where he awaits criminal proceedings for "Khimki case."

In Irkutsk, was an open session on "abuse of extremism"

April 7 in one of Irkutsk university, passed an open exercise called journalism, freedom of speech and extremism. " The event was timed to the day of united action in support of "Khimki hostages . Session organized by anarchists and anti-fascists of Irkutsk. Among the speakers were representatives of the lecturers of the independent media center "Indymedia Siberia," Autonomous Action-Irkutsk and others.

Perm solidarity with Khimki

Пермь солидарна с Химками

April 6 at 18:00 at the building edge prosecutors Permian left picketed against political repression in Russia today in the All-Russian day of united action to defend the anarchists Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim and Dennis Solopova accused of organizing the demolition of the city administration Khimki, in response to repression against defenders Khimki forest on July 28 last year.

Moscow authorities have agreed on actions to protect Khimkinskaya hostages "

April 1, the organizers of shares in favor of "Khimki hostages" were in the prefecture of the Central District of Moscow, a document on the harmonization of picketing the embassy of Ukraine (Leontief per., 18, Passage: Metro: Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, "Chekhov", "Okhotny number ") on April 4 at 16 hours and 9 April at 17 o'clock. Harmonization of the rally, scheduled for April 9 in 15 hours, has not yet received, but the representatives of the City Hall was asked to move it to the monument at Griboyedov Chistoprudny Blvd.

Since the state charged with murder of wine Anarchist

March 24 The European Court of Human Rights has satisfied the state's death in Italy Italian anarchist Carlo Giuliani , who took part in demonstrations against the summit of the Group of Eight held in Genoa, July 20, 2001. Then the dragon Mario Platsanika, shot twice at point-blank from the standard-issue weapons Carlo Giuliani. After this double-SUV rode over the body of demonstrators.

Autonomous Action - Tyumen required to justify Andrey Kutuzov

Picket in support of Andrei Kutuzov held on March 24 Tyumen "Autonomous Action". Per share, in the past on the area of ​​unity and harmony, it's about fifteen people, not counting journalists. The activists unfurled a banner "Free Andrew Kutuzov" and "No to political repression!".

At the last names were Alexei Gaskarova, Maxim Solopova, Tatiana Stetsury, Hope Nizovkinoy and others, which the government now pursues politically motivated.

In Kaluga, a picket was held in support of social activists

March 14 around 18.00 a group of anarchists and Marxists in Kaluga was held an unauthorized picket in support of a member of the "Autonomous Action" Andrey Kutuzov, as well as Khimkinskaya hostages Maxim Solopova, Denis Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova (also member of BP). About 15 minutes into the heart of the city boys and girls were handing out leaflets, waving flags, holding whatman with slogans written on them.

Appointed as the first trial of "Khimki hostages"

March 14 at 10.00 in the Municipal Court Khimki (Moscow region., Khimki, Leningrad highway, 19) held a preliminary hearing in the case of Khimki hostages. " The meeting was held behind closed doors and it will be approved by order of the hearing and filed petitions on procedural matters. Referee - Zepalova Neonila Nikolaevna. Previously, she had already abolished the conviction Mikhail Beketov libel against the Mayor of Khimki Strelchenko.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

2 months ago
Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

3 months ago