
An attempt on life of anarchist anti-fascist in Moscow

антифашист и анархист В.Скопинцев

A 25-year old Vladimir Skopincev is registered in Troick, one of the numerous towns of Moscow region. He is an anarchist and known as the member of groups “PolitZek” and “Change the world without taking power”. Both groups have several thousands of fans. His photos and registration address were frequently posted on fascist web-pages, along with demands of execution.

In the Independent Press Center held a press conference campaign in defense of "Khimki hostages"

August 30 at the Independent Press Center on Prechistenka held in Moscow , dedicated to large-scale persecution, which organized the law enforcement authorities in connection with the of protest on July 28 before the administration of the city of Khimki.

Hunting security forces on anti-fascists coming to an end? Khimkinskiy court acquitted Alexander Pakhotin

August 31 magistrate Khimki city court Yatsyk Alexander V. terminated the administrative case against anti-fascist Alexander Pakhotin. It was reported, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Perhaps this was a consequence of information resonance after the press conference "security forces opened hunt for anti-fascists", held in Moscow on the eve of trial, August 30, campaigners for the release of hostages Khimki. Recall Pakhotin was arrested Aug. 21 in Zhukovsky, Moscow region and taken to the ATS, theKhimki.

Moscow anti-fascist hospitalised with a brain injury following a torture by police

26th of August, three plain-clothed officers detained anti-fasict Nikita Nikolaevich Chernobaev in Moscow suburb of Ramenskoye, born 1991.  According to lawyer and human rights activist Mikhail Trepashkin.,Nikita was taken to local premises of Ministry of Interior, where an employee of the security service FSB, began to demand from him a confession for his participation to an action at the administrative building of the city of Khimki July 28, 2010.

Participants of the anti-fascist camp of Germany expressed support for the struggle for Khimki forest and the release of prisoners

German anti-fascists turned to the participants of the Campaign for the release of hostages Khimkinskiy to transmit messages of solidarity rally participants in the protection Khimki woods August 22. Unfortunately, because of the paucity of time for each speaker at the rally that could not be done. Therefore we publish the text of the treatment of the German comrades who closely follow the criminal case against anti-fascists Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova, as well as the situation around the Khimki woods.

Beaten during interrogation by Khimki case complained to the Prosecutor General's Office

From the words of staff, he realized that his staff interrogated by the FSB. Pakhotin not refuse to testify, but his answers did not suit the investigator, so it continued to provide moral and physical pressure. Only two in the morning Alexander was transferred to the ATS N2 Khimki. At six o'clock in the morning Pakhotin awakened and asked him to sign some papers that he had forgotten to sign. Do not understand what he signs, Pakhotin put his signature.

Trimmed in Zhukovsky

August 21 in Zhukovsky were detained about 100 people. Impenetrable (according to eyewitnesses) is pretty tough, took part riot, some managed to escape. Young people are in town for a hardcore concert, collected funds from which were supposed to go to the aid of orphanages. Musicians hardcore regularly conduct such concerts, believing it my duty to visit children's homes and to feed the homeless.

Hurtina asked to withdraw ... While no things. Ufa

August 19 Activists of various social organizations gathered on the square in front of the prosecutor's office of Ufa, to protest abuses of representatives of the public authority. It found local human rights activists, senior officials of the Ufa drug agency had developed a whole system of drug flip and subsequent fabrication of criminal cases. All this with the connivance of the prosecutor's office.

A second rally in defense of Irkutsk antifascist

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Today in Irkutsk on the square near the circus once again picket in defense of anti-fascist Alexei Malinin, who is accused in the attack on neo-Nazi Yevgeniya Panova (aka Boomer). The picketers unfurled a banner reading "No to repression," and handed out leaflets in support of his friend. With one of the passers-start an interesting conversation about free carrying weapons.

August 11 in Sevastopol action of solidarity with the company against the felling of forests Khimki

Near House of Moscow in Sevastopol gathered 20 people from the autonomous actions of the Marxists, environmentalists and their sympathizers. The participants were holding banners reading: "Freedom Gaskarova and Solopovu", "People are more important than profit," Why put Max and Lyesha? "," Plant trees, not people "," No logging Khimki woods! ".

Actions in support of the campaign in Khimki took place in Berlin and Paris


August 9 from 17.20 to 19 hours before the Russian Embassy in Berlin, the capital of Germany, was an action for the immediate release of Alexey and Maxim Gaskarova Solopova arrested after going to the administration of the city of Khimki. More than 30 people from the organization Anarcho-syndicalist Youth Berlin (ASJ Berlin) picketed the building on the Unter den Linden, with black and red flags with the slogan "Against repression" in Russian, German and English.

Solidarity action in Petrozavodsk

On August 9, Student boulevard Petrozavodsk gathered more than 40 people to support Khimkinskiy residents and activists who oppose cutting Khimki park for the construction of highway Moscow-Saint Petersburg. The picketers demanded to stop deforestation, stop the repression against the environmentalists, to immediately release the illegally detained activists, anti-fascist Maxim Solopova and Alexei Gaskarova.

August 12, Angarsk city court will begin hearing the case of the Nazi attack on eco-camp

21 July 2007 on the ecological camp in Angarsk, Irkutsk Oblast, protested against the establishment of an international uranium enrichment center, the group attacked the Nazis. The attack killed party movement "Autonomous Action" from Nakhodka Ilya Borodaenko. Two activists were seriously injured. The investigation lasted for 1,5 years, then the case was transferred to the Angarsk city court, but the three judges returned the materials for further investigation.

Defense intends to tighten the procedure of recruitment

The Ministry of Defence is preparing another large-scale reform in the system of recruitment of the army. Amendments will be developed as early as September 1.
For example, plans to increase the enlistment age to 30 years and reduce the number of universities, providing a respite for the students.

Author columns

Антти Раутиайнен

June 11th is the International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. This action day has a long history, it was organized first time 20 years ago in 2004. In the first year, we managed to paint a graffiti to wall of one of the most guarded objects of Moscow,...

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Антти Раутиайнен

Anarchist group ANA Regensburg hosted my online-presentation on 16th of May 2024, in which I discussed tactics of anti-war activism in Russia, and reasons why the anti-war movement has not been able to make an impact to change the course of events yet. Cases of anarchists repressed for anti-war...

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